Evidence 🎙️🔊💡

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Even though Lila was planning, so was the class.

Marinette figured she'd finally gotten enough evidence.. so she called the class over so they could all give her their mics.

The plan was to make a full video of everything she'd said with the audio, give it to the principal, and have her expelled.

However editing the entire thing was a pain, luckily Max brought his super computer that could handle all of those files!

Max: and Finally! We upload Adriens!

The screen had multiple audios saved into a video making app. Long green pixilated trails that went forever. Now they had to all listen in and edit them.

They listened to Julekas, got some extremely homophobic lines from Lila, same thing for Rose.

"Again with holding hands? Honestly why?! Seriously, you need to stop. It's unnatural...

"Lila you're one to talk, calling out two girls for holding hands? Really? You have absolutely nothing better to do??"

Everyone high-fived Juleka for speaking her mind.

Marinette already edited hers, same with Alya, Lila tried and failed miserably to scare her.

Adriens was just full of him yelling at her to stay away from others..they heard a lot of crying on his end from whoever he defended...

"Sh..I know man..I know..*someone says something* hey it's gonna be alright ok?..it's ok...!"

Adrien: *looks away a bit* *glances at Nino who's already looking at him* *both smile*

Ninos was up next, they heard her many attempts to touch his hat, luckily they even caught the moment when he and Kim got beat..and sadly a lot of crying..on his end and a few others...

"I can't- *hic* Al's she won't- *hic* go- *hic* away- *hic**sob*..!"

"Sh..Nino it's going to be ok..she'll be exposed.."

"*quiet sobs*"

Alya put her hand around him,

(Another Audio)

"Hey dude..it's gonna be ok..I mean she's-..Y'know..but it'll be ok..ok?"

Nino put his arm around her.

No one was gonna judge eachother for crying. It's reasonable. It's been a high stress situation for..a good while now...

Next they checked Alixs, which was chalk full of her either aiding Rose and Juleka, Mylene, or Kim and Max..and there was a lot of Kim...

"Hey! You leave him alone!"

"Oh but Alix! I-I was merely just trying to talk to him!"

"You tried pushing him down the stairs! He's in crutches!"

(Few seconds of silence)

"You ok?.."

"Y-yeah I'm fine..thanks.."

(Another audio a few days prior) (Kim doesn't have crutches anymore)

"Lila leave me alone! Take a hint would you?!


"K-kim?! W-*sniffle* why are you being so mean to me?!.."

"Oh gee I wonder, you've been following Alix, and constantly screaming extremely rude things at her??"

Alix and Kim looked at eachother and smiled.

Next they checked Kim...

It was mostly him yelling at Lila or her little gang of boys to leave people alone..however...

They could just hear straight sobbing..

"I can't..I just can't..I- *sob* she's never gonna stop it's never gonna stop-..! She's never- ...but you don't know that... ... Xupuu still- ..."

Alix: ...Kim what was that...?

Kim: Nothing..it's not important now ok?!..I-...

Alix: *walks over* you ok?..

Kim: *nods*

Kim's also had bits of him defending Max.

Max made sure to edit anything mine the kwamiis names were said.

They checked Nathaniel's, which was also full of homophobic remarks.

Ivan and Mylenes were full of them comforting eachtoher/others.

Max was full of him mumbling, comforting Kim, and ofcourse his calculations to Marcov.

Chloe's was full of her yelling at Lila to leave Sabrina alone.

Finally they finished editing the audio, and exported the video to all of there phones.

Max: there! That should be the last..does everyone have it?

Everyone nodded.


(Later that Night) (couples)

Nino: Alya..?

Alya: yeah?

Nino: I'm sorry..

Alya: *puts down her book and sits up* what? Why?..

Nino: *laying down with his back facing her* c-cause I- I keep crying-*sniffle*

Alya: *sighs* *lays down and puts her arm around his waist pulling him close* babe, you've been targeted, had your hat stolen, and broken. You got beat up two weeks ago and still you keep your smile on your face??..honestly I'd be shocked if you didn't cry...so please...don't apologize..ok?..

Nino: *crying really quietly* *turns around and hugs her* thanks Babe..seriously..*sniff* t-thankyou..!

Alya: *smiles* *feels him cling onto her* anytime Nino...


Kim: *oh the phone with Alix before they sleep*

Alix: So....you wanna explain that audio to me?

Kim: W-what-?? *nervously laughs* what audio??..

Alix: Kim. You're not smart, but you're smart enough to know what I'm talking about..tell me what's up..!

Kim: *sighs and wipes his face down with his hand* I..I dunno she-..everything about my Akumatizations harming Paris's "City of Love" reputation..people have just been getting worse...even though it's been a month..stupid right?..

Alix: Kim..look. We're together now right? We're always gonna be here for eachother. You need to learn I mean it. Seriously dude!...I-..I love you.

Kim: *chuckles teasingly* Aww..hard to say it Pixie?~

Alix: *rolls her eyes* yeah yeah..but it's true..

Kim: *blushing along with her* it's been the same.. I love you Alix..thank you for everything..

Alix: Anytime Hercules..


Nathaniel: **drawing in his sketchbook, his back laying on Marcs while they sit* Hey..you think it'll be ok?..

Marc: Babe it's gonna be fine.. I know it! You're strong! Amazing! And those people need to learn not to be human trash! You're awesome Nate..*turns around and kisses his cheek*

Nate: *blushes and smiles*


Everyone had hopes for the next day..both hi and partially low..but hopes...

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