(The owl house) Willow X Reader

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"Rain, rain go away"

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"Rain, rain go away"

Pov Nobody

"Hey, Y/n! It's pouring outside. Let's have a cozy day indoors."

"Sounds perfect, Willow! What do you suggest we do?"

"How about we binge-watch our favorite TV show and order some delicious comfort food?"

"That's a great idea! I'll grab the blankets, and you find something good to watch."

"Perfect! I'll make sure we have plenty of snacks too."

They settle on the couch, wrapped in blankets, with bowls of popcorn in hand.

"I love lazy days like this, just being with you."

"Me too, babe. Nothing beats spending quality time together."

As they watch the show, the rain intensifies outside.

"I'm glad we're safe and warm indoors. The rain is really coming down now."

It's so peaceful. Just us, the rain, and our favorite characters on the screen.

"Do you remember our first rainy day together?"

"Of course! We got caught in a downpour and ended up seeking shelter in that cozy café." Willow say.

"That's when I realized how much I loved you. We laughed so much that day."

"And we danced in the rain afterward, not caring about anything else but each other."

They share a tender moment, smiling at each other.

"I'm grateful for moments like these. They remind me how lucky I am to have you in my life." I say.

"The feeling is mutual, my love. You bring so much joy and warmth into my world."

They cuddle closer as the rain continues to pour outside.

"Let's promise to have more rainy days like this, just you and me."

"Absolutely, Y/n. Rain or shine, we'll always find happiness together."

They exchange a loving kiss, cherishing the simple bliss of being together on a rainy day.

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