(The ghost and Molly Mcgee) Ollie X Reader

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"A not very secret field of flowers"

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"A not very secret field of flowers"

Pov Nobody

Y/n say smiling. "Hey, Ollie! Fancy meeting you here again." She sees her crush on her secret field of flowers.

Ollie blush. "Hi, Y/n. I guess we both have a thing for this secret field of flowers."

Y/n laughs. "Yeah, it's like our little hidden oasis away from the world."

"Um, Y/n, there's something I've been wanting to tell you..."

"What is it, Ollie?"

Ollie takes a deep breath. "Well, every time I see you here, my heart skips a beat. I think... I think I might have a crush on you."

Y/n: blushes. "Oh, Ollie... I feel the same way. I've been coming here hoping to see you too."

"Really? That's amazing!"

Y/n say shyly. "Yeah, it's like this place brought us together for a reason."

Ollie takes Y/n's hand. "Maybe it did. You know what they say about flowers and love..."

"Oh, I've heard that flowers have a magical way of bringing people closer."

Ollie say whispering. "Well then, let this field of flowers be our secret place where our love blossoms."

Y/n gently squeezes Ollie's hand. "I couldn't think of a more perfect place." Ollie leans in for a kiss. "Ollie, wait... Let's make this moment even more special. Let's plant our own flower here as a symbol of our love."

Ollie say grinning. "That's an amazing idea! Let's do it together!"

And so, Y/n and Ollie spent the afternoon planting a beautiful flower in their secret field, sealing their love for each other. From that day on, the field became even more magical as their love continued to grow amidst the blooming flowers.

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