(Kiff) Harry X Reader

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"Today I am angry"

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"Today I am angry"

Pov Nobody

Y/n was frustrated. "Harry, I can't believe how terrible my day has been!" Shee sits in her boyfriend bed. "Everything went wrong!"

"Oh no, babe! What happened?"

"First, I missed the bus and had to walk in the pouring rain. Then my laptop crashed, and I lost all my important documents!"

"That sounds awful, Y/n. I'm sorry you had to go through all of that."

Y/n say angry. "And to top it off, my coworker spilled coffee all over my new dress! I can't handle any more bad luck!"

Harry approaches calming. "I understand you're upset, but taking it out on me won't solve anything. Let's talk about it calmly."

Y/n realizes her mistake. "You're right, Harry. I'm sorry for lashing out at you. It's not your fault. I just needed someone to vent to."

"Apology accepted, Y/n. We all have bad days sometimes. I'm here for you."

"Thank you for understanding, Harry. I appreciate your support. Let's move past this and enjoy the rest of our day together."

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