(The Super Mario Bros Movie) Mario X Reader X Luigi

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"The best sleepover ever"

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"The best sleepover ever"

I know this film isn't part of the Disney category but I really wanted to do it without having to create a new oneshot book, enjoy.

Pov Nobody

Mario and his brother Luigi were invited to Y/n's house for the ultimate sleepover party. They were thrilled and couldn't wait to spend the night together, just the three of them. As they arrived at Y/n's house, they were greeted with excitement and warm hugs. "Welcome, guys! I'm so glad you could make it. This is going to be the best sleepover ever!"

Mario smiles. "Thanks for having us, Y/n. We're ready for an epic night of fun!"

"Yeah, I brought my favorite board games and snacks. Let's get this party started!"

Y/n led them to the living room, where a cozy fort made of blankets and pillows was waiting for them. "I thought we could start with a movie marathon inside our awesome fort. What do you guys think?"

"Sounds fantastic!" Mario say. "I love a good movie night."

"Count me in! Let's grab some popcorn and get comfy."

They settled into the fort, surrounded by cushions and blankets. Y/n started playing their favorite movies, and they laughed and cheered together. "Okay, next up is a game of Truth or Dare. Who wants to go first?"

"I'll go first! Hit me with your best dare." Mario say.

"Alright, I dare you to do your best impression of a famous celebrity." Y/n say.

Mario put on his best impression of Elvis Presley, wiggling his hips and singing a hilarious rendition of 'Hound Dog.' They burst into laughter, clapping for Mario's performance.

"Okay, my turn! I choose truth." Luigi say.

"Alright, Luigi. Tell us your most embarrassing childhood story." Luigi blushed slightly before confessing how he once accidentally walked into the wrong bathroom at school. They couldn't help but laugh at his innocent mishap.

As the night went on, they played more games, shared funny stories, and made unforgettable memories. They even had a late-night dance party in the living room, showing off their best moves. "This has been such an amazing sleepover, guys. I'm so glad we could spend this time together."

"Absolutely! We should definitely do this again sometime."

"Definitely! Thanks for being such an awesome host, Y/n." Luigi say.

As the night came to an end, they all settled into their sleeping bags, tired but happy.

"Goodnight, Mario and Luigi. Sweet dreams!"

"Goodnight, Y/n. Thanks for the incredible sleepover." Mario say.

"Goodnight! Let's have more adventures like this soon."

With smiles on their faces, they drifted off to sleep, cherishing the special bond of friendship they had formed during their unforgettable sleepover party.

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