(The ghost and Molly Mcgee) Scratch X Reader

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"A (para)normal friend"

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"A (para)normal friend"

Pov Scratch

As I floated aimlessly through the moonlit night, couldn't shake off the feeling of loneliness. I missed the laughter and giggles I used to share with my best friend Molly that is all the time just giving attention to Libby. Determined to find a new companion, I decided to take a break from haunting and explore the world beyond.

As I flew through a small town, I noticed a young girl named Y/n sitting alone on a park bench. Intrigued, me floated closer, hoping to strike up a conversation.

"Boo! Hey there, little human! Mind if I join you?"

"Oh wow, you're a ghost! Um, sure, I guess. What's your name?"

"They call me Scratch. Nice to meet you, Y/n. What brings you here all by yourself?"

"I come here to think sometimes. It's peaceful."

"Peaceful, huh? I've been feeling pretty lonely lately. You see, my best friend Molly has been ignoring me lately."

"Really? That's not very nice of her. Maybe she just needs some time."

"Yeah, maybe. But I miss having someone to talk to and have fun with. Do you think... maybe we could be friends?"

Y/n smiles. "Friends? With a ghost? That would be interesting! Sure, Scratch, I'd love to be your friend!"

My transparent form flickered with excitement as I realized that Y/n might just be the new best friend I had been searching for.

"You won't regret it, Y/n! We'll have countless adventures together!"

"I can't wait! So, what do ghosts like to do for fun?"

"Well, we can explore haunted houses, play hide-and-seek in the darkness, or even scare some humans if they're up for it!"

"Sounds like a lot of fun! But promise not to scare me too much, okay?"

"Cross my incorporeal heart, Y/n. I'll make sure our friendship is filled with laughter and good times."

And so, me and Y/n embarked on a unique and extraordinary friendship.

Together, we discovered the joy of companionship and the power of accepting others for who they truly are. As for Molly, well, maybe she would come around eventually. But for now, I had found a new best friend in Y/n, and that was all he needed to chase away my loneliness.

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