(The ghost and Molly Mcgee) Molly X Reader X Libby

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"Our new best friend"

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"Our new best friend"

Pov Molly

"Hey Libby, have you noticed how Y/n has been trying to fit in with us lately?"

"Yeah, I've noticed. I think they really want to be part of our group."

"Well, we should do something to make them feel included. They're a nice person."

"You're right. Let's invite them to hang out with us this weekend."

"Great idea! We can go to the park and have a picnic. I'll text Y/n and ask if they're free."

"Perfect! And we can bring some board games too. It'll be a fun day for all of us."

I texting Y/n. (Hey Y/n! We're planning a picnic at the park this weekend. Would you like to join us?)

(Oh, really? I'd love to! Thank you for inviting me!)

(Of course! We've noticed you've been trying to be part of our group, and we want you to feel included.)

(Yeah, we think you're great, Y/n. We should have invited you sooner.) Libby text too.

(Thank you both so much. I've really wanted to be friends with you guys.)

(Well, now you are! We'll see you on Saturday at noon, okay?)

(Sounds perfect! I'll bring some snacks for the picnic too.)

Libby text. (Awesome! Can't wait to see you there, Y/n!)

(It's going to be a fantastic day. See you soon!)

(See you soon, Molly and Libby! I'm really excited about this.)

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