chapter 2

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Mr Jeon walking forth and back, his eyes can tell how worried he was, his mind was a mess, he want his elder son to settle in his life ,but jungkook is like a fire , whoever try to near him , he will burn them. He never love anyone in his whole life nor he date any person.

Once mr.jeon bring the topic of marriage, he swear that's the worst day on his life. Jungkook literally choke him when he threaten jungkook.

He was praying to God, that somebody make jk to fall in love, he know it was only a dream.

But he was determined today to speak with jk.

Mr and Mrs Jeon , enwoo and jungkook are in dinning table eating peacefully. Mr.jeon cleared his throat and make a cold face but deep down he was dying in panick.

Mr j:: hmm jungkook. I arranged a meeting with a boy for you like a date. ( Closed his eyes tightly )

Mrs.jeon and enwoo widen their eyes,

Jk just munching his food like he didn't heard anything.

Mr j:: just go or you will see my dead body. ( Little Stern )

Jk finished his whole food then wipe his mouth , he directly look at Mr Jeon eyes who can see the emptiness.

Jk:: then see you at funeral. ( Left )

Mr Jeon jaw dropped, he look at enwoo who biting his lips to prevent him from laughing , while mrs Jeon was not interested in this topic as she was more worried for her brother.

Mr.j:: is he really my son?? ( Disbelief )

Jk was heading to his office, on the way he was reading a book, yes he like to read it make him feel like he was in another world. Now he is reading a book name " a precious obsession " it's not a romantic story but the other way it's about war.

He reached the office, jjk industries. He eyed the driver who nodded and left from there.

Jk start to walk inside, again asusual a pindrop silent.

JJk industries is his own company, he was the ceo but jeons company is his grandparents, his grandpa make him as chairman and enwoo as ceo.

He enter his cabin and look infront of him , there is a huge glass, he can see a beautiful view of Seoul but his face didn't even show a little bit of emotion.

He look at the sky with a deep sigh.

On the other side::

A boy who is nineteen years old, reading in the library, he wore a baggy clothes and a big round glasses looks like a typical nerd. He adjust his glass, which already broken in the corner. After one hour he kept the book inside his bag which was in the verge of torn.

He stood up, everyone in the library look at him weirdly, he just shrugg and walk out.

He just humming a song, while walking slowly, his beautiful eyes covered with dark circles, his eyes roam around the place but stopped infront of a cake shop, he eyed the strawberry cake with soo much adoration, in his whole life he never eat something like this.

He search his pocket, found a little amount of money, he was carving to have the cake. He lick his lips , he took a deep breath and enter the shop , where many eyes look at him with discust and some other with pity.

He went to the old lady, who look at him fondly. He suddenly get nervous,

??:: Hmm gr.anny how that strawberry ( Hesitate )

That old lady took some time to answer. She told the price to the boy who's eyes suddenly filled with tears why not the cake price is his two months expenses. The old lady wanted to low the price for the boy but the boy run away quickly.

He run fastly and reach the park, tears brimming in his eyes.

??:: Aig..oo don't cr.y ta.e ta.e ( hiccup )

He comfort himself and wipe his own tears.

Tae:: let.s go ta.e ta.e otherwise scold you. ( Smile with tears )

He left to his home which looking like a big mansion, he enter in the back door, and enter his room which look like a store room.

He was the Kim's son, yes you heard right the second billionaire in Korea. But the point is he was adopted but get treated like a shit.

Tae sit on the floor, his tummy growl in hungry, but he can't eat anything until others finished their meal. He need to wait. Now the time is eight at night. He have to wait till ten.

Then maids will give him a left overs, yes it was order. And the clothes he was wearing belongs to the maid's son. She pitied the boy and provide her son clothes.

Then the glass he was wearing which was given to him by the gaurd who is also pitied him.

And he didn't went to any school or university, his only world is the library for commoner. His knowledge is not like others he is a fast learner. He was more interested in business so he read many books about business tactics, and many famous businessman life journey.

When he was small , a nanny in his orphan teach him how to write and read. He was soo thank ful for her.

Today he was little bit happy why not today his Hyung birthday, so there must a good meal , he can fill his tummy.

Time is going slowly, tae stomach is paining like hell, when the time reach sharp at ten , he peak outside and there is no sight of anyone, he took a small steps to kitchen where he can see a maid who washing the dishes.

He politely asked her.

Tae:: hmm ajumma I am hungry, can you give me some food. ( Innocent )

Soon the maid face get saddened.

Maid:: hmm tae, everyone finish off every dishes, there is no leftover.

Tae face fell, his lips wobble. He need some little amount of food...

Tae::'s.i can you give me a ..small amount. It's ok if It was. So.o small amo.unt. ( Sob )

Maid look at tae with pity eyes ,

Maid:: tae , how about cup noodles. (Soft )

Tae eyes sparkle, atleast he can eat noodles. Tae nodded his head like a kid making the maid smile at the innocent boy.

Tae finish the noodles and enter his room, he settled himself on the floor and covered himself with the blanket.

Tae:: my parents and everyone should be happy ( pray to god )


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