chapter 24

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In taekook room::

Jungkook hands started to move his face frown showing expression. He slowly opened his eyes feeling a severe head ache make him shut his eyes tightly, after few seconds he opened his eyes ,he feel blurry , he  shook his head and blink his eyes few times to make his eye sight better. He look around and try to remember everything but he can't, he lift his hands with soo much difficult because it's been two years that he had any movement in his body.

Jk:: do..ll ( weak )

Jk can't talk properly, his voice become soo rough and raspy. Jk used his full strength and sat in the bed. He roam his eyes in the room and  saw  the medical set up , suddenly he remember that day ,he push tae out of the car make his heart beat fast.

Jk:: do.ll ( try to shout but can't )

Jk eyes filled with tears, no where is his doll. He look at the date and his breath hitch, he found in a second that he was in coma, but where is his husband. Jk breath got heavy, he used his full strength and stand but fall on the floor, he tried again and again ,tears are flowing in his eyes.

Suddenly he heard a loud cry make him over whemble it was his doll voice but his baby is crying why??

He stood up even though he feel pain all-over his body he don't mind because he want to go to his husband.

He came down with soo much difficult and the sight broke his heart into pieces. His doll is crying hardly folding himself like a tiny baby. His eyes only focused on his husband, he got soo angry who make his baby cry.

Jk:: do.ll ( deep but weak voice )

Tae lift his head and get his blood freeze.

Tae:: hu..bby ( tiny)

Tae whole world freeze, is it real?? His husband woke up..

Jk opened his arms with a little smile, tae lips wobble and he run to jk and hug him tightly soo tight like if he left any gap ,jk will disappear. Tae kept his head on jk chest and hands around jk neck while jk kept his hand on tae waist protectively and kept his face in tae crook of neck. Tae snuggle and grip jk tightly, we can say it was very hard for jk to breath because of the hold but did he care no.

They hug eachother for half an hour while others are very shocked and happy too but one person heart broke into pieces, he is crying silently clutching his heart , the pain is too much to handle for him ,he is none other than gukk. He didn't expect jk to wake up, he believe he won't wake up so that he will win tae's heart but now?? What he gonna do, he can't forget tae , definitely he can't that man already entered in his heart.

Tae broke the hug and cup jk face ,he kiss jk whole face again and again, tears flowing from both eyes. It was the first time jeons and Kim's saw jk crying. Something strike tae, what if its a dream,?? No It can't be right...

Tae suddenly run to thier room like a mad man and check the bed make his heart thump fastly in happiness, so it was true his hubby woke up,

He again went down and cup jk face who let his husband do anything.
Tae smashed his lips on jk who Smiled weakly and kiss back , tae is kissing him agressively, tae bite jk lips harshly make it bleed but jk didn't even flinch, he can see how much tae missed him by seeing those eyes and the state tae is looking, who is lost is sparkle eyes, and those chubby cheeks, and he losed soo much weight too, he look like a total mess, make jk heart bleed in pain.

Tae wipe the blood on jk lips and hold his collar and shook him with red eyes.

Tae:: wh.y. h.ubby WH.Y??( everyone flinched expect jk ) WH.Y THE HECK DID YOU LEA..VE ME HUBBY, DO Y.OU KNOW HOW M.UCH I WANT TO DIE..DO YOU KNOW...( shout in anger and frustration )

Jk pull tae to his embrace and pat his head who is sobbing hardly.

Jk:: so.rry doll for.give hubby . ( Soft )

Tae broke into jk arms ,he can't able to express anything now, he want to hide in his husband embrace, he can't handle anymore he is soo tired, he is soo much happy and shock that his husband finally woke up. Jk saw how tae struggling himself not to sleep make him smile with aching heart.

Jk took a deep breath and lift tae in koala style who wrap his legs around jk waist and kept his face on jk crook of neck.

Nj:: kook let me he..( joon shut his mouth when jk give a single glare )

Jk legs are paining , He walk slowly and went inside the bedroom which is in downstairs. Tae was not in his sense, his mind was a mess, everything happened suddenly his hubby his everything,his life woke up from the coma make him every emotion build up in his heart, he felt weak as he can't express the happiness.

Gk( mind ):: even though he was in pain, he lift him. But I know I love him more. Yes I love him more..( heavy heart )

Jk Placed tae on the bed who is not ready to leave jk grip, so jk hug tae who nuzzle his face in jk chest.
Jk stroke tae hair and give plenty of kisses to tae forehead and pull him close to his chest.

In outside::

Mr.j:: let's wait ,they need some privacy. ( Others nodded their head )

Nj:: it will be good if we go from here. ( Tensed )

Hb:: why?? ( Frown )

Yg:: if jungkook get to know,what we done to tae, he will do everything to make us live in hell. ( Panick )

Kai:: but we did for his happiness right??

Mrs.j:: happiness my foot, I begged you people don't do this but.. ( anger )

Jm:: now face my Hyung who destroy anything who make his husband cry. ( Cold )

Nj:: gukk it will be good if you leave now, may be jungkook give us punishment,but I don't know what he will do with you. ( Worried )

Jin:: you people are really selfish, now what will happen to gukk. What about his feelings. ( Look at gukk who is crying hard )

Kai, nj , sg  look down feeling guilty.

Gk:: no I don't .want to leave, it's okay even if he me b.ut I won't leave my tae.hyung. ( crying )

Mrs.jeon hug gukk tightly and caresses his back.

Mrs.j:: dear I beg you, I know we used you but please leave for your safety may be jungkook forgive you for accepting our plan but not for loving his doll, you don't know about his anger gukk please dear. ( Soft )

Gukk shook his head, no he won't, definitely how can he just leave his love ,no he can't do that.

Everyone feeling guilty for dragging this boy into this mess.

Few hours passed, no one is leaving because they want to see kook. Inside the room, jk didn't even close his eyes he is patting tae head, he look down at his tummy and his heart clench in pain,  they lost their daughter aera.

Jk( mind):: just wait and watch how this Kim jungkook play with all whoever hurted my doll. ( Dark eyes )


Au::ok let me warn you may be you people can support jeons ,Kim's because they want tae happiness, but don't curse me for what jk going to do with them ,there is two big twist which make you people crazy wait and watch Kim jungkook game.

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