chapter 37

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Au:: I am going to reveal every truth..

Kim hyunbin is a famous businessman, his first love Kim jina, but for Kim jina she is already in love with one man and got pregnant. Kim hyunbin was soo frustrated, he is not a type to leave just like that..he killed jina lover. He approach jina after that,  who don't have anyone, she is an orphan. She don't know how to give birth to her children that's when hyunbin approach jina and married her with his fake sweet talks..soon jina give birth to kim jungkook and Kim hanuel, twins..

The thing jina didn't expect is hyunbin started to abuse her, he torcher her like hell, he beat her and called her slut..jina couldn't handle anymore she try to escape with twins but hyunbin caught her and took hanuel away from her..jina begged and live in the hell with hyunbin who blackmail jina with hanuel. Hyunbin even hit jungkook, because he is not his children.

Jina atleast want to save jungkook, so she called mr.jeon and handover jungkook to mr.jeon. after returning home hyunbin literally killed jina, but Minho saved her..

Minho is hyunbin lover, who take care of mafia side of hyunbin. Soon jina dead after two years giving birth to Mina, A psycho bitch.

Hanuel was raised by hyunbin giving every training to him in his childhood onwards, hanuel didn't even know the meaning of care, he only know killing.. hyunbin raised him as his pet. Hyunbin really got happy because of hanuel he took over many gang.

Minho and hyunbin is very careful that hanuel shouldn't know about his past. If hanuel get to know then he will finish their whole empire.. because hanuel had every evidence of their crime...

On the other side, hyunbin and Minho searching for jungkook, what if he caught hanuel attention and dig out the past.

But suddenly Minho get to know about jungkook is the one ruling over the business field. He just wants to leave him just like that but jungkook brain and intelligent make him panick what he become a threat to them.

First Minho approch mrs.jeon brother who ready to destroy jk in any moment. But jk caught him and he went to coma.

Minho noticed jk sharp nature, he felt it's not correct to trigger him.  So he left, but jk again cross their path when jk destroyed hanuel one of the company because they mess with him..that's when hanuel attention went to jungkook but minho make sure to stop hanuel to approach jungkook..

If hanuel get to know about jk that's there is no way, he need to kill jungkook.. that's when jk was married to tae and eight months pregnant. Minho thought it's the correct time. He plan everything with mrs.jeon who agreed because she hate jungkook.

They execute the plan, but to their unfortunate both are alive and jk give birth to aera..mrs.jeon kidnapped aera because Minho ordered her.

Jungkook went into coma, for safety purpose they kidnapped aera,..if jk woke up they can black mail jk.

Minho thought, everything is finished but suddenly jk woke up and took over everything in his hands, he just killed his mother and enwoo, he find aera...

He took back his everything, Minho was happy because jk didn't know about him, because he indirectly approch mrs.jeon.

But hanuel entered jungkook life by messing up with him. Minho don't know what to do..but he felt relief when hanuel think jungkook as a enemy..he is okay with it if haneul kill jungkook. Wook and hyuk are Minho mens who spy hanuel and report everything to Minho..even Minho have cctv in hanuel room to know everything about hanuel move. Minho may be not that smart but he have many men's. He get to know about park gukk who is haneul weakness. Haneul love gukk soo much. Minho even set assassin behind gukk..they are waiting for Minho order, if Minho order them then that's it..gukk will die.

But the thing the world didn't know is ......even Minho and hyunbin..

When jungkook woke up from the coma, he get to know everything by his source. he know mrs.jeon and enwoo helped Minho to kill him. He somewhat dig the past and got to know about his twin.

Jk first time saw haneul in the grave of jina. Hanuel came alone to visit his eomma. that's when haneul and jungkook met eachother.

These twin planned everything, haneul was soo panicked because from jk he get to know assassin are following gukk, and every truth which is hidden from them. Even Minho set assassin for taehyung..jk will kill Minho in a second but those assassin are dangerous even if they don't got the order they will kill their target for fun. If Minho get suspicious then he will order the assassin.

Still now jungkook planned each and every thing carefully, when Mina their sister planned to kill taehyung, hanuel get to know and indirectly told to jk because Minho is watching him.

Everytime haneul is watched by Minho,,so he give message to jk indirectly, they both act like enemies infront of others and help eachother.

Finally jk exposed hyunbin to the media and send him to jail, only Minho is there not knowing they are getting betray.  

Jk make sure to caught every assassin without Minho knowledge. Jk and haneul planned to kill Minho..but by hanuel mistake Minho get to know everything.

Haneul was speaking with gukk photo and Minho listened everything not the full truth..

That's how hanuel beaten to death and they kidnapped taehyung too...

This is the truth behind their past.. jungkook want to destroy hyunbin empire, he want to ruin hyunbin and especially Minho who is the reason behind the accident. Who made his doll cry...

Hyunbin and Minho is now in jungkook control....

About gukk, jk didn't forgive him for helping their so called family and made tae cry. He wil have a good punishment...

Jk Didn't want to interfere in their business but Minho shouldn't play with his doll and daughter life. So jk took everything in his hands and played with them.

Jk just done everything and helped hanuel because he need to make sure of his doll life. He don't want any threat to his doll.


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That's it.. babies any doubt you can ask..

Three to four chapters are left..

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