chapter 5

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Tae hold his tummy and smiled awkwardly.

Tae:: tae care mr.jeon. I will get going ( left quickly while jk is looking at his direction for some time)

Tae reached the park, he felt soo happy to met his idol. His sadness fly away after meeting kook, he reached the park and sit on the nearby seat.

He took a deep breath, he feel soo cold, soon his mind again went to jk who didn't even hesitate to drink the water and showed any discomfort, how good he is... Tae was soo glad that he choose the best man as his idol.

He opened his bag and search for his precious bun, he pout when he found none. He sighed ,it's okay he is not that much hungry though.

He slept while keeping the bag as his pillow. Few minutes after a man came infront of him ,he place the coat on tae body and covered him ,he kept the box near his head.

Yeah it's jungkook, he look at the boy for sometime and left from there. He even don't know why he done this.

Suddenly tae woke up,when he feel a warm cloth with a addictive smell. He removed the coat with a confused eyes, who could be placed this on him.

His eyes landed on the box which was placed beside him, he opened the box with a curious eyes, and his full face glowed in happiness, his eyes sparkle. It was strawberry cake.

He first hesitate to eat but the growling sound of his tummy make him took the bite , he closed his eyes feeling the taste by each chewing,
He showed his boxy smile the taste feel like heaven. He eat the cake messily.

He didn't know that someone watching him from afar , jk is standing there, he kept his hands on his pocket, the man who don't give the fuck about anyone life is staring the boy for an minute, those smile make jk stood there.

When tae done eating, he look at the coat with a small smile,

Tae:: I don't know whoever gave me this, but thank you. ( Look at the moon )

Jk left from there , it was like three in the morning.

When jk reached the mansion, mr.jeon waiting for him but jk directly went to his room when mr.jeon ready to bombarded a question.

Next day,

Again give a harsh scolding to tae for his disobedience and some several slap.

Tae was sitting in his room, he was sniffing the calming fragrance.

Tae:: thank you mr.jeon. ( smile )

When jk turn to leave ,tae saw him ,who is only wearing the shirt and the pant Match with the coat he was holding. When tae give the water to jk he didn't noticed the suit of jk.

It was jungkook coat.

He don't know how it will feel if he get care, because of jk doings tae had a unknown feeling which he love the most.

Tae fold the coat neatly then placed it on the table like it was soo precious.

Tae lay on the floor with a content heart.


Somewhere in the deep forest, a house which is looking soo beautiful it was covered with plants and flowers giving a pleasant fragrance. There tae is walking slowly suddenly he felt someone lift him in bridal style, he can't see that person face ,

He heard a deep voice,


Tae blushed hard and hide his face in his hard chest.

The man pepper his face with kisses make him giggle, he make him stand and kneel infront of him while keeping his head low, the blurry image of that man become clear for tae....

??:: My queen, order your slave. ( Fond )

Tae breath was Jeon jungkook..

Soon tae wake up with a sweaty face and a heavy breath. He look around and found it was a dream but it feels soo real. Tae cheeks tinted with red colour. He feel his heart beating in crazy speed. He cupp his own cheeks.

Tae:: what was that??aishh.( Soon his face fell )

Tae:: your not a deserving person to even think about him. ( Pout ) but it feels soo good when he call me. ( Look down )

Jeon mansion::

Jeons startled when a person pop out infront of them. Soon jeons attack the person with hugs expect jk who nowhere to see.

Mr.j:: chim chim my baby. ( Hug him tightly )

Mrs.j:: brat you said it will take one few months.

Jm:: my exams already over eomma, I just want to surprise you all.

Ew:: welcome home chimmy.( Hug him who hug back )

His eyes roam in the mansion wanted to see his Hyung, when jk came down jm slowly walk near jk and stand infront of him who raise his brows.

Jm:: you hyun.g?? ( Shutter )

Jk:: good ( left )

Jm blink his eyes ,and took a relaxing sigh.


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Happy birthday to our Bubba Jeon jungkook 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜wish him a happy life.

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