Can't Help Falling In Love! - Part 1 -

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(Cheryl Blossom is the daughter, of England's king and she is actually a closeted lesbian, meanwhile Toni Topaz is the daughter of the US President. Cheryl and Toni don't really like eachother, but their parents wants them to show the riporters the opposite of this...)

(The story, based on the Red White & Royal Blue movie)

Toni Topaz pov:

I woke up, because someone knocked on my bedroom do so i get up then take on my robe...

- I'm coming! - i yelled, then opened the door and it was my manager Tabitha.

- Toni, you'll be late again from the meeting. - she said to me.

- Well, i don't want to go there and pretend that i'm in good terms with that spoiled girl. - i said to her, and she crossed her arms.

- Go and get ready, you have twenty minutes then we go to the meeting and after that, we are invited to the palace. - said Tabitha, and i just sighed.

- Sure, who's birthday is today? - i asked from her.

- The king's birthday. - she said to me, while i started to get dressed.

- Whatever. - i said to Tabitha, after i take on my blue dress.

- You think i want to spend time there while my husband goes back to New York tomorrow? - asked Tabitha, while we walked outside and get in the car.

- Jughead writed another novel which failed? - i asked from her.

- No, his new novel is actually a bestseller. - she said to me, while the uber drived.

- Okay, whatever you say. - i said to her, then she just rolled her eyes...

At the meeting:

Cheryl Blossom pov:

- My god, why i need to interact with that annoying girl? - i asked from Veronica and she just sighed.

- Your Majesty, this meeting is important for Miss Topaz mother's compaigne to won the election this year, and your father's birthday is today too so please just try to survive this. - she said to me, and i just sighed.

- My father is lucky, to have a manager like you at his side. - i said to her, then Toni walked in with Tabitha and i just rolled my eyes, when she reached me.

- Hey princess. - said Toni in a sarcastic tone.

- Hey Miss Arrogant. - i said to her quietly, and she just rolled her eyes when a journalist reached us.

- Can we do a few photos about you two? - he asked from us, and we just nodded then fake smiled while hugged eachother then shake hand.

- Thank you. - said the journalist, after the photos were ready.

- Oh my god, finally. - i said quietly, after they left and i could let Toni's hand go.

- We meet at the birthday party too princess so i guess you won't get rid of me that easily. - said Toni, then her manager came to us.

- Toni, come on. - she said to her, then they sat down at the table while my father waved for me to sit next to him so i did but avoided the eye contact with Toni...

Third Person pov:

During the meeting, Cheryl and Toni stayed quiet and really avoided the eye contact with eachouther, while the king talked about the politcs, the election and that Toni's mother would be the best as the president of England. Toni just smiled when she heard that but Cheryl actually didn't even paid attention for her father's speech...

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