Don't Worry, Darling!

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(Some idea, came from the new episode of Riverdale, 7x01)

(50s Choni!)

TW: Smut!

(Cheryl Blossom is the most popular girl, at Riverdale High until Veronica Lodge arrive from Hollywood and she take her place at this position. Meanwhile Toni Topaz can't stop but start to fell in love with Cheryl, even if she knows it's dangerous, and she might push her away...)

Cheryl Blossom pov:

While i walked on the corridors, everyone looked at me and i just smirked but when i saw that they actually looked at Veronica i started to lose my cool...

 - Veronica, just get the hell out of this school and go to another one. - i said to her, and she just sighed then walked to me.

- You don't own this school Cheryl, i'm sorry for take your place as the most popular student but atleast i have my own supporters, what about you? Oh, right Julian already hates you because you are cruel with him. - said Veronica, then slapped me hard.

- Just get out of my face. - she said to me, and i rushed to the bathroom with tears in my eyes...

Toni Topaz pov:

I was at my locker, but i heard and saw everything what happened there so after Cheryl rushed towards the bathroom i walked to Veronica...

- Are you insane? - i asked from her, and she just rolled her eyes.

- She started this "war" but why do you protect her this much? - she asked from me.

- Because she don't deserved this kind of treatment Veronica, actually you had no right to mention her brother and that he hate her, she is not a bitch, but you are a cold hearted bitch. - i said to her quietly, then rushed after Cheryl...

Cheryl Blossom pov:

After i walked in, to the bathroom i closed the door and started to sob while i looked in the mirror, and saw how my tears flown down on my cheeks...

- Cheryl, are you okay? - i heard Toni's voice so i looked there and she standed next to me, with crossed arms.

- No, i'm clearly not. - i said to her, and she just sighed and put her hand on my forearm.

- I'm sorry, Veronica shouldn't slap you on the sorridor. - said Toni, and i wanted to push her hand away, but i felt sparks when i looked into her eyes and i couldn't be a bitch with her.

- Why are you so nice, with me? - i asked from her, and she smiled at me.

- Because, you are not a bitch Cheryl. - said Toni.

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