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50s Choni!

Cheryl Blossom and Toni Topaz started to date in secret, and they try to don't get cought but at school Toni and Cheryl gets detention...

Cheryl Blossom pov:

I walked on the corridor with Toni, by my side and i smiled at her after we reached our lockers well, hers is next to my locker...

- Hey Cheryl, can we go to Pop's after school as a date? - asked Archie, and i just rolled my eyes.

- I have other plans for today, Archie. - i said to him, and he just rolled his eyes.

- Please, just one date. - said Archie.

- In your dream, now go and pity for Betty she would love to go with you. - i said to him, after i closed my locker, but he pushed me against it.

- Why do you refuse my date? - he asked from me.

- Back off Andrews, she already told you to leave. - said Toni and pushed Archie off me.

- Toni calm down. - i said to her.

- No, this jerk need to stay away from you. - said Toni quietly, then started to punch Archie...

Toni Topaz pov:

While i punched him, we heard footsteps from behind us...

- Miss Topaz, you and Miss Blossom stay after classes for detention. - said the Principal.

- Cheryl didn't do anything. - i said to him, after i finished to punching Archie.

- Nothing? - he asked from us angrily.

- She ditched math class, well you did too and now this. - he said to us, and i just rolled my eyes.

- It's final, now go to class! - he yelled, after the school bell ringed so we went to our history class...

Cheryl Blossom pov:

- You are crazy, Topaz. - i said to Toni quietly, after we reached to classroom.

- Yeah, only for you. - she whispered to me, and after she looked around but didn't see anyone in the near, she slapped my ass.

- You are such a tease. - i said to her quietly, and she just smirked then we walked inside, and sat down at our usual seat...

During the class, Toni just kept teasing me because everyone was focused on our teacher, Mr. Taylor, and i just bited my bottom lip, when she started to rub my inner thigh...

- Don't get too excited Blossom. - said Toni quietly, then we heard the school bell ring and saw that everyone stand up to leave the class so we did the same thing...

Toni Topaz pov:

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