Your Love Means The World, To Me!

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Cheryl and Betty aren't related in this one shot!

(Cheryl and Toni broke up, before their last year in high school because they fighted too much. Cheryl started to date with Betty, and Toni tried her best to avoid them because she still has feelings towards Cheryl...)

Cheryl Blossom pov:

I was in a classroom with Betty, and she wanted to leave but i pulled her back...

- Can we talk about something? - i asked from her, and she just sighed then sat down to a chair.

- About what, Cheryl? - she asked from me quietly.

- Betty, can you please tell me what's your problem when we walk on the corridor? - i asked from Betty, and she crossed her arms.

- I don't want my parents to know that, we date and actually Toni still can't let you go. - said Betty, and i sat in her lap.

- Look Betty, i don't want to be with her anymore okay? let's go to Pop's diner for lunch. - i said to her.

- Cheryl, what if my parents saw us. - said Betty quietly.

- They won't, and don't worry too much about them. - i said to her, and she kissed me gently.

- Would you dare to say we could be endgame? - asked Betty, after we pulled away from the kiss and get up.

- Of course, not let's go to Pop's diner. - i said to her, after we sat up and left the room....

Toni Topaz pov:

I was at my locker, with Fangs and Sweet Pea because we had to talk about some Serpent buisness, but a few minutes later i saw that Cheryl walks with Betty towards the front door...

- Toni, are you okay? - asked Fangs, because i just lost in my thoughts about Cheryl.

- Y-yeah sure. - i stuttered, and he hit my shoulder playfully.

- You are still not over her, right? - asked Fangs, and i just nodded in agreement.

- No, but it's too late for us and she founded someone better then me. - i said to them, after i get my stuff from the locker.

- Toni, try to talk with her because maybe it's really not too late. - said Sweet Pea, and i just sighed.

- I don't know, but i should go to Pop's to have lunch. - i said to them.

- We go with you then. - said Fangs, and i just nodded then we walked outside...

Cheryl Blossom pov:

I walked with Betty to her car, and after we get in she smiled at me then sped off towards the Pop's Diner...

30 minutes later:

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