I Will Save You Cheryl Blossom!

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(Abigail Blossom after possessed Cheryl, she worked with Roseanne Blossom to get revange for everything what the descendants of her tournamenters, and to get Thomasina back. Abigail since she saw Toni on the townhall meeting, she tries to find a way, to get Thomasina back in TonI's body...)

(Based on 6x07)

Britta Beach pov:

After Mistress Abigail locked Nana Rose to the basement she came back angrier then she was...

- Britta, help me to choose an outfit which will seduce Toni because i have plans with her. - she said it to me, and i nodded slightly then we walked to Cheryl's bedroom.

- MIstress Abigail, what do you plan to do with Miss Topaz? -i asked from her, and she just laughed.

- I can't tell you the details of my plan Brittannia. - she said it to me, then i choosed her an outfit to wear.

- Don't you think this is too much? - asked Abigail.

- No, Mistress Cheryl loves this outfit. - i said it to her, and she just smiled then take it on...

The Outfit:

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When she was ready, i told her where can she finds Toni but she just crossed her arms...

- You need to help me, Brittannia, because i need to convince her to come here. - said Mistress Abigail and i just nodded in agreement, then we walked outside and went towards the school...

Toni Topaz pov:

I was at my office, and did some paper work when i heard a loud knock on the door...

- Come in. - i said it loudly, then the door opened and Britta walked in with Cheryl then they sat down in front of me.

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