Rivals in Love!

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Cheryl leads the Red Vipers, and Toni leads the Serpents. The two gang, hate eachother because of some misunderstanding but niether of the gangs would try to do a peace trial. Cheryl and Toni starts to date secretly...

At theFox forest, abandoned bunker:

Cheryl Blossom pov:

I laid on Toni's chest, while she rubbed my back and i smiled at her and she did the same then i gave her a quick kiss on her lips...

- I wish, we could finally be openly together and not only here. - i said it to Toni, while i laid beside her, and covered my naked body.

- I know babe, but our gangs wouldn't get it why we love eachother. - said Toni, and i just sighed.

- Yeah, and i hate that we were teached, to hate eachother. - i said it to her, while i started to dress up.

- Where are you going? - asked Toni, and she started to dress up too.

- I just need some fresh air. - i said it to Toni, and she grabbed my hand and we went outside, then get in Toni's car, and she sat in my lap after she closed the cardoor and kissed me with passion...

Toni Topaz pov:

When i sat in her lap, i started to kissing her neck and unbuttoning her pants...

- TT, are you sure this is a good idea? - asked Cheryl, between moans.

- Babe, don't worry. - i said it to her, and kissed her again.

Third Person pov:

While Cheryl and Toni made out in the car, a motorbike stopped in the near, and a girl get off from it, and took off her helmet, she weared a Ghoulie jacket, and a few minutes later she walked towards the car and saw Cheryl and Toni, so she knocked on the window...

Toni Topaz pov:

- Fuck. - i said it quietly, then dressed up and looked out of the window and saw that it's a girl, with ginger hair and she looks like Cheryl.

- Who is she? - asked Cheryl, and i just sighed then we get out of the car.

- Sorry to interrupt this, moment but i need to inform you about that i'm the Ghoulies new leader Abigail Blossom. - said the girl, and Cheryl looked at her in shock.

- Are you a Blossom too? - asked Cheryl, and she just nodded.

- Yeah Cheryl, actually i'm your twin sister but mom and dad abandoned me so i grew up at the Sisters of Quiet Mercy. - said Abigail.

- Okay, so let me get this straight. - i said it to her, and she crossed her arms.

- So, you are Cheryl's twin and lead the Ghoulies now, but are you an enemy or friend for us? - i asked from her, and she just laughed.

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