To Start Another Life!

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50s Choni!

(Cheryl Blossom fake dates with Kevin Keller, while Toni Topaz do the same with Clay Walker but Cheryl's father, after find out what happened at the Halloween party, he gets angry and offers Cheryl something, to don't lose the Vixens and more...)

Cheryl Blossom pov:

I walked to the Principal's office, and after i sat down my father looked at me angrily...

- Cheryl, i know about what happened at the Halloween party. - said my father, and i looked at him confused.

- What are you talking about? - i asked from him.

- You kissed a girl, in public and everyone saw that Cheryl! - he yelled, and i just crossed my arms.

- Leave me alone daddy, you know i have a boyfriend. - i said to him, then he gave me a list of names where i founded our names.

- If you say me who is deviant from this list you can keep the Vixens. - he said to me.

- Never! - i yelled, and standed up but he slapped me.

- Are you sure about that? - he asked from me quietly, and show me a photograph about Toni tied to a chair.

- Don't you dare to touch her, or i swear to god. - i said to him, and he just smirked.

- If you don't say me the deviant's names, she will die tonight. - he whispered to me.

- I'll find her, and you won't stop me. - i said to him, then rushed out while i started to sob...

Third Person pov:

Toni after woke up, she looked around but didn't recognised the place then tried to get up, but she was tied to a chair. She tried tp get rid of the rope, but someone arrived...

Toni Topaz pov:

- You won't get out of here. - said Miss Blosssom and smirked.

- Let me go, and if you try to hurt Cheryl i'll kill you. - i said to her, and she slapped me hard.

- Don't argue with me you Deviant Greaser. - said Penelope, then i still tried to get rid of the rope...

Cheryl Blossom pov:

I rushed to the music room, and closed the door then started to breath quickly...

- Hey, Cheryl what's wrong? - asked Kevin, and hugged me gently.

- M-my father kidnapped Toni. - i said to him quietly, while tried to breath.

- Oh my god, when? - asked Kevin, and i just sighed.

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