In Love With a Nerd!

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(Cheryl Blossom is a nerd, and she is always bullied by the Bulldogs, and Toni Topaz who Riverdale's High it girl, but what if she has a reason to bully Cheryl?)

Requested byMalloriFeatherstone

At Riverdale High:

Cheryl Blossom pov:

I was at my locker, and when i get my books Archie take them away from me...

- Give it back! - i yelled, and he just laughed.

- Well, Blossom what if i don't? - he asked from me, and i squeesed my knuckles.

- I-I... - i started to stutter, but a few minutes later Jason walked to me.

- Archie don't be a dick, and leave my sister alone. - he said to him, and get my books from him.

- Your sister is a nerd, but you get to be the team captain and it's a bullshit. - said Archie, and Jason just sighed.

- Let's go sis. -  he said to me, after i locked, my locker then we walked towards the classroom.

- Are you okay? - he asked from me, after we reached the classroom.

- Yes, thank you Jason for protecting me. - i said to him, and he smiled at me.

- Don't worry sis i will always look after you. - he said to me, then walked away.

- Hey Cheryl, your brother protected you again? - asked Toni, after i sat down at my desk.

- Leave me alone Toni. - i said to her.

- Why would i? - asked Toni, then she sat down beside me.

- Because you bully me, since saphmore year?- i said asked, from her quietly.

- I may have a reason for it. - she said to me, and smirked but i just rolled my eyes...

Toni Topaz pov:

- Hey Topaz, what if we hummiliate Blossom? - asked Reggie and i just laughed.

- I do it all the time. - i said it accidentally, too loud and a few minutes later Cheryl rushed outside while cried.

- Well, this happened faster then i thought. - said Reggie, and i just sighed and decided to follow her...

Cheryl walked to the bathroom, and after i get inside too she looked at me and sighed...

- What do you want? - she asked from me, angryly.

- Blossom chill, i don't came here to hurt you. - i said to her.

- You hurt my feelings, always Toni you are the most popular girl in this school, and you just bully me, do you atleast have a good reason to it? - asked Cheryl, after she took off her glasses to clean the lantels.

- Maybe, but i can't tell the details. - i said to her.

- Sure, you always say this when i ask about this. - she said to me, then wanted to walk out but i pulled her back...

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