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50s Choni!

Cheryl Blossom and Toni Topaz date secretly. Cheryl leads the Vixens, while Toni goes to her new club the Black Athena which cause troubles for them because they don't spend enaugh time together. Meanwhile in Riverdale, the Milkman killed Jughead's favourite writer and he tries to find his new victim...

Cheryl Blossom pov:

While i walked on the corridor, and saw that Jughead has a conversation with Tabitha so i went to them...

- Hey Jughead, what's the matter? - i asked from him, and he just sighed.

- Do you really want to know? - he asked from me, and i just nodded.

- Yes, i don't have any plans for now so talk about it please. - i said to Jughead, and Tabitha just sighed.

- My favourite writer died, a few week ago and i don't know if the Milkman tries to find his new vctim. - said Jughead, and i looked at him confused.

- Milkman? - i asked from him, and he showed me a comic.

- If you want to know his story, read this. - he said to me, and i just nodded.

- Thank you. - i said to him, and he just smiled then walked away.

- Tabitha, why aren't you at the club? - i asked from her.

- We finished earlier today. - she said to me quietly.

- Where is Toni? - i asked from her quietly.

- At her locker i think. - she said to me, and i smiled at her.

- Thank you, bye Tabitha. - i said to her quietly, then walked towards Toni's locker...

Toni Topaz pov:

After i closed my locker, i saw that Cheryl walk towards me...

- Hey Toni. - she said to me quietly, and i saw that she has a comic in her hand.

- Hey Cher, what do you read now? - i asked from her, and she just sighed.

- I talked with Jughead, and he told me that his favourite writer died a few week ago. - she said to me.

- Oh my god. - i said to her.

- He gave me a comic about a murderer called the Milkman. - said Cheryl, and she gave it to me.

- We need to read this then? - i asked from her, and she just nodded.

- Yes, if we want to know his story and Jughead is worried about that who is the next victim. - said Cheryl, while we walked outside.

- I won't let that, to be you i swear Cheryl. - i said to her after, we get in her car.

- Toni, i appraciate it. - she said to me, and she squeesed my hand then sped off to our apartment...

At their apartment:

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