Love and Betrays

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(Cheryl Blossom returns, from Greendale after she gets kicked out of the Ghoulies because she was against the gangwars, and Penny even if they started to date. She drives to Riverdale, and the first place she goes, is Pop's Diner, where she meets someone from her past...)

Cheryl Blossom pov:

After i stopped my car, at the parking lot of Pop's Diner, i just sighed then get out and closed my car. While i walked towards the front door, i saw that the Serpents are here too which maybe not good for me, but i don't want to cause them any trouble. - i thought this, then i walked inside and i looked around to find an empty booth, and after i founded one i sat down...

- Hey Cheryl. - i heard a familiar voice so i looked there and it was Toni.

- T-Toni? - i asked quietly, then she just sighed and sat down next to me.

- What are you doing here? - she asked from me.

- I get kicked out of the Ghoulies. - i said it to her.

- Cheryl, why? - she asked from me.

- Well, Penny and i actually dated but i was against the gangwars which made them upset. - i said it to her.

- Wait, you and Penny? - asked Toni, and crossed her arms.

- Look Toni, i left from Riverdale after we broke up and i went to Greendale where i met with her at a bar, then she asked if i want to join for the Ghoulies and be her queen. I hesitated at first, but i wanted a family what i never had only when we dated. At the day of my intiation, i got the Ghoulie tattoo too. - i said it to her, and showed my Ghoulie tattoo on my arm after i took off my red jacket.

- You still have the Ghoulie jacket too? - asked Toni, after i take on my jacket again.

- I wear it, but i'm not proud of it. - i said it to her, then i saw that a few Serpent walks towards us.

- Cheryl, are you trying to manipulate me to win a fight for the Ghoulies? - asked Toni, and i looked at her in shock.

- I would never do it Toni, please you have to belive me. - i said it to her.

- I can't trust, in any Ghoulies which means i can't belive any words you told me. - said Toni.

- You know me Toni, i never lied to you. - i said it to Toni, and she just sighed and standed up.

- The Cheryl i know, she would never betray me the way you did after you joined to the Ghoulies. - said Toni, and she looked at me dissappointed.

- Toni what is your command? - asked one of the Serpents, and she just sighed...

Toni Topaz pov:

While i looked at Cheryl, i saw that she starts to tear up and even if i want to belive her, i need to stay strong and do anything to save the Serpents, from the Ghoulies...

- Send a message to Penny, about that Cheryl is our hostage. - i said it to Sweet Pea, and he just nodded.

- If you do it, she won't give a fuck about me. - said Cheryl, after we walked outside and Fangs started to toss her towards his car.

- How do you know it Cheryl? - i asked from her.

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