Love At First Sight?

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Toni Topaz is a detective, and she gets a new case from the police captain, but the only way Toni can do this mission, if she works with another detective, who just finished a hard case. Cheryl is a professional detective, who don't like to work with anyone else...

(Word Count: 3428)

TW: Violence

At Greendale's Police Office:

Toni Topaz pov:

I was at the police captain's office, and he gave me a few file to take a look at it becaust i finally get a new case...

- So what is this case actually? - i asked from him, and he just sighed.

- I can't tell anything, until your new partner arrives. - he said to me.

- New partner? But usually i work alone. - i said to him, and he crossed his arms.

- I know, but this case can't be solved alone so just  accept the fact, you have to work with another girl. - said the captain, and a few minutes later the door opened and a red haired, tall girl walked in...

Cheryl Blossom pov:

- Sorry, if i late but it was hard to find a parking place. - i said to the police captain.

- It's okay Miss Blossom, actually let me introduce you, your new partner at this case. - he said to me, then i saw that there is another girl so i just rolled my eyes.

- Oh my god, are you kidding? I need to babysitt Miss Tiny detective? - i said to him, then the girl stood up and standed in front of me.

- What did you say? - she asked from me angrily.

- You heard it right, i don't work with tiny girls, or beginners. - i said to her.

- Okay, stop this fight ladies and take a seat so i can tell you the case. - he said to us, and we just sighed then sat down but we avoided the eye contact.

- So, in Riverdale there is a criminal, who robbed Pop's Diner, the La Bannuite and maybe his next work would be to get Hiram Lodge money. - he said to us.

- Allright, i go there with Miss Tiny and try to solve this case. - i said to him.

- I have a name, don't call me Miss Tiny. - she said to me.

- Okay, i'm Cheryl Blossom. - i said to her, and helded out my hand for her to shake.

- I'm Toni Topaz. - she said to me, then we shake hands.

- Go and solve this case, i count on you girls. - he said to us, then we walked out while rolled our eyes...

Toni Topaz pov:

- Where did you worked before this case? - i asked from Cheryl, after we left the police station.

- New York, but i usually work alone so after we get to Riverdale we should seperate. - she said to me, while walked towards her car, but i pulled her back.

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