Our Love Story!

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(Cheryl Blossom decided to do try outs, for girls who want to be a vixen, and she actually made sure, Toni Topaz to show up...)

Toni Topaz pov:

After our last class was finally over, i walked out of the classroom and before i reached my locker, Cheryl stopped me...

- Hey Toni, do you have any plans for the afternoon? - she asked from me, and smirked.

- Hey Cheryl, actually no. - i said to her, and she flipped her haid, behind her shoulder.

- How about a try out, to became a vixen? - asked Cheryl quietly, then walked closer to me.

- I-I don't know Cheryl, i'm not the best dancer. - i said to her.

- Please, just try it for me. - she said to me quietly, and i just sighed.

- Fine. - i said to her, after i put my stuff in the locker.

- Great, the try outs starts soon so come to the Gym as soon as possible. - said Cheryl, and smirked, then walked away and i couldn't help but stare at her ass, when i saw no one is in the near...

Cheryl Blossom pov:

I smiled while walked to our next class which is biology again what i hate the most because today we probably get a sex education class which just makes me angry always. I never dated with any guy, and i don't even planned to do it becasue i already have my eyes on someone. - i thoguht this, while i reached the classroom and sat down at my usual place and i love that, Toni sits close to me...

- Hey students, today we need to have a class of Sex education. - said Mr Wheatherbe, and everyone just sighed and i rolled my eyes when Archie smirked at me.

- Mr Wheatherbe, are you even ecxperienced at this theme? - asked Jughead and i started to laugh, just like the others.

- It's not part of the lesson, so pay attention for it. - he said to him, then started to teaching us...

Third Person pov:

During class, Cheryl and Toni felt so uncomfortable because Mr Weatherbe talked about the Heteros, and that everyone at this times who loves her or his own gender is a sinner. After they heard the bell, Cheryl and Toni was the first to stand up and left the classroom faster, then walked to the student lounge...

Toni Topaz pov:

After we arrived to the student lounge, i sat down on the couch with Veronica, Julian, Jughead and Cheryl sat down on a chair, and a few minutes later Archie arrived with Betty, and they sat down on another couch...

- This class was a disaster. - i said to the others, and they just nodded in agreement.

- Why he was choosed to teach us "Sex Education" ? - asked Cheryl and rolled her eyes.

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