Don't Be Shy!

309 4 2

Requested, byKerstin266chma

TW: Sexual activities!

(Cheryl and Toni are best friends at high school, and they have a Sex Education class where the theme is the masturbation, and Cheryl gets nervous, and angry at the same time because she never had any motive to do it...)

Cheryl Blossom pov:

I sat next to my best friend, Toni and she just smiled but i tried to hide that, i'm really nervous about the Sex Education class, because i actually never had an experience before, i necer masturbated, and nothing sexual ever happened to me... - i thought this, but the teacher called me, by my name so i jolted up...

- Sorry, what was your question, Miss Emma? - i asked from her, and she just sighed.

- I asked if you have any experience, with these things. - she said to me, but i just nervously gulped.

- Oh virgin lesbo, why don't you answer now with the obvious answer. - i heard Reggie's voice, so i started to tear up and get up from the chair then rushed towards the bathroom...

Toni Topaz pov:

After Cheryl left the class room, Miss Emma sented Reggie to the Principal's office but she went with him, so i just followed Cheryl. I rushed to the bathroom, where i founded her sat on the floor and hugged her knees...

- Hey, Cheryl don't listen to him. - i said to her, and she just shook her head.

- He is right Toni, i don't even know what to do. - she said to me, then standed up.

- Let me help please. - i said to Cheryl.

- No, i just want to go home now sorry Toni. - she said to me and rushed outside, but i decided to give her some time...

Third Person pov:

Cheryl Blossom rushed to her red impala, get in and put her bag on the first seat then sped off towards Thornhill, after she wiped her tears...

30 minutes later:

Cheryl Blossom pov:

After i arrived home, i rushed to my bedroom then i shut the door closed, because even if my parents won't come home until next week i don't want to get interrupted. - i thought this, while i put my bag on the sofa, then i laid down on my bed and sighed, but when i closed my eyes i only thought about Toni, so i decided that it's better if i try to masturbate so i can get over it. - i though this, and sighed then i undressed...

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