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2 days later...
𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚑𝚘𝚜𝚙𝚒𝚝𝚊𝚕 📍

𝓞𝓶𝓷𝓲𝓼𝓬𝓲𝓮𝓷𝓽 𝓟𝓞𝓥,

"She should wake up any minute now" The nurse informed Duke who was sitting next to her and was struggling to keep awake. He only went home to get his hygiene together then he'd stay with Jayla.

He gave the nurse a nod who then exited the room. Millions of thoughts and regrets have been running through his mind the past two days, if he never upset Jayla, she wouldn't have ran outside then they wouldn't be in this predicament in the first place.

Not only did it cause harm to her but it also caused harm to their innocent son and Duke couldn't forgive himself for that.

Unexpectedly, Jayla's eyes fluttered open however, she instantly shut them due to the bright ceiling light shining upon her.

"My baby...is the baby okay?" Was the first thing she mumbled out which startled Duke.

"Jayla? You good?" He asked frantically, facing her seeing that she's awake.

"No it hurts" she complained shifting about.

"Stop moving ma, imma find a doctor" and with that Duke left the room and came back in with the same nurse from earlier.

They checked her over then gave her some strong pain medication.

"Where's my baby Duke!" She raised her voice as nobody was telling her nothing and she felt empty inside.

"In the NICU, they had to take him out because he wouldn't have made it, he can't breathe on his own as his lungs haven't matured yet." he finally answered. "Jayla lay back down"

"No! Get the fuck out Duke, ion want you here. This is all your fault!" She raged at him.

He gently hugged her and she broke down crying instantly. She was slightly out of it due to the drugs they gave her to help with the pain, they took the baby out via c-section as she wasn't awake to push him out.

All she knew in her mind was her baby wasn't okay.

"Calm down ma" he spoke softly,

"How can I calm down, I was shot Duke! Who shot me!?"

"Ion know" he replied pulling away from the hug. "Whoever shot yo ass hiding like a pussy, they can't hide forever. I'll find him, don't worry bout allat."

She frowned then lifted up the gown to see all types of stitches along her torso and shoulder. A couple minutes later a couple doctors came in with a wheelchair and transported her to the NICU where Jayla could meet her son for the first time.

"He's so tiny" she pouted as she was sat in the wheelchair and they laid the newborn on her chest. He had wires all over his miniature, premature body. "What do we name him?"

"Daymon jr"

"In yo muthafuckin dreams" she rolled her eyes. "What about Tyreek?"

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