Chapter 45: Family Dinner!

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           Ashlynn's parents walked into Ashlynn's room. "Hey Ash." Cinderella said walking in. "Hey mom, dad." Ashlynn said while writing in her diary. "We have a surprise for you." Thomas said. Ashlynn closed and locked her diary and put her diary and the pen that gore with it under her pillow. "Yes?" Ashlynn asked. "Well we started thinking about you and Hunter and well...." Cinderella started. "We decided to invite the Huntsmen over for dinner." Thomas finished. Ashlynn got really excited and thanked her parents. But Rod was not happy with the invite. After some convincing from Caroline he decided that it's what's best for Hunter so he agreed.
             The Ella's sent a limousine for the Huntsmen, who didn't like that but they didn't want to seem rude so they got in and drove to the Ella's palace.
          "Come in and please sit down." Cinderella said. The huntsmen sat down in the living room waiting for the cook to finish dinner. Ashlynn was with Hunter in her room. "Sorry the food's taking so long." Thomas apologized. There was an awkward moment of silence. "Dinner's ready!" The cook yelled. "Ashlynn!" Cinderella yelled. "Hunter!" Rod yelled. Ashlynn and Hunter walked downstairs to the kitchen and join their family for an awkward dinner.
              "So, what do you do Mrs. Huntsman?" Cinderella asked. "I'm a huntsman like my husband and please call me Caroline." Caroline said eating her goolosh. "So you like.... Killing animals?" Cinderella asked. Ashlynn and Hunter were worried where this was going. "Yes. I do. Animals get you know where and they're a waist of space." Caroline explained. Cinderella's eyes went wide. "Hey. I like animals and that's not true." Hunter said. "Good for you." Thomas said. "That's not good for him. He's meant to be a huntsmen." Rod explained. "But I'm not going to." Hunter stated. "Yeah, because of this princess." Rod exclaimed. The Ella's gasped. "This princess? Really? At least Ash's parents are supportive and trying to understand. I can't believe you." Hunter said as he got up and stormed out of the room. Ashlynn just looked at everyone at the dinner table and then followed Hunter.
        "Hunter it's okay." Ashlynn said. "No it's not. Your parents care enough about you to be supportive." Hunter explained. Ashlynn kissed Hunter on the lips. "It doesn't matter what they think. It just mater what you think." Ashlynn explained. "It does matter what one other person thinks." Hunter started. "Who?" Ashlynn asked. "You." Hunter finished. They both smiled and then Hunter kissed her. They broke apart when Hunter's dad walked in. "I'll leave you guys alone." Ashlynn said as she walked back into the kitchen.
         "Hunter." Rod started. "Not now. I don't want to talk to you." Hunter said with his arms crossed. "Look, I'm sorry. I just didn't like you not being a huntsman or you dating a princess. I guess I just don't like you not following your destiny." Rod explained. "Well a lot of people feel the same way. But at least you have the nerve to admit your wrong." Hunter stated. Rod and Hunter hugged and then re-entered the kitchen.
           They all had a good time there was a lot of laughter. No more awkwardness. They are finally acting like a family. For now!

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