Chapter 74: Kila!

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           Kila was hanging with the wonderlandians. "So how's senior year for everyone?" Kila asked. "Good." Everyone agreed. Kila's phone rang. "Oh, I need to take this." Kila left to answer her phone. When she was done she was walking back to the tree when she bumped into Daring. She almost fell but he caught her. "Thank you." Kila said looking into Daring's eyes. "It's no problem. It's my job to catch damsels in distress." Daring said. "Are you walking back to the tree with the wonderlandians?" Daring asked. "Yeah." Kila replied. "Me too." Daring said. "Do you wanna hang out, maybe tomorrow?" Kila asked. "You know I'm already dating Lizzie who's one of you friends." Darng said. "I meant as friends." Kila said. "Oh, then yeah." Daring agreed. She smiled. Lizzie was watching them. She had a bad feeling about something. Daring and Kila walked to the tree. Daring kissed Lizzie and Lizzie kisses back. Kila watched not liking it.
           Maddie, Kitty, and Kila were hanging out in Maddie and Kitty's dorm room. "Kitty and I will be right back." Maddie said. But you can stay here." Kitty said. "Okay. I have to take this call anyways." Kila said grabbing her phone. Maddie and Kitty left while Kila answered her phone. But Lizzie was on her way to their dorm. She was about to knock when she heard Kila on her phone. "Yes. I've got it under control. Don't worry about it. The wonderlandians don't suspect a thing. If I can get Daring to dump Lizzie and go our with me instead then Lizzie will be heartbroken. I will act inisent as if that wasn't my plan and I didn't want to take Daring from Lizzie. Awwww don't get jealous baby. He might be a Charming but I only have eyes for you. Anyways then everyone will be closer to her then usual. Then they'll be giving her some space to let her cool of because she'll be angry. After that I'll pit them against one another. They'll be fighting and won't be friends anymore. They're the chosen ones not as ten individuals but as one big group of wonderland childhood friends. So when they're separated they can't destroy me, I mean us, plus we get to see ten inseparable people hate each other. Which will be fun to watch." Kila said. Lizzie was shocked by what she heard. She knew she had a bad feeling about her.
           Lizzie went to find the other wonderlandians. She found Kitty and Maddie walking outside of the Hatters tea shoppe laughing. She ran up to them. "Where's the others?" Lizzie asked. "Inside." Kitty said. "Why?" Maddie asked. "Stay here." Lizzie said as she ran inside. She grabbed the other wonderlandians and ran back outside. "What's this about?" Alistair asked. "Yeah we were eating." Tammy complained. "We're still hungry." Tony complained. Lizzie told them everything about Kila and her plan. "Your crazy. Kila would never. She's our friend." Bumby said. "I'm your friend too. Are you calling me a lyer?" Lizzie asked. "Of course not. It's just we think that your saying all of this out of jealousy." Marchness admitted. "Jealousy? I don't get jealous." Lizzie stated. "It's obvious she likes him. Bit she won't go after him. She doesn't want to hurt you. Or any of us for that matter." Dina said. "She wants to hurt all of us emotionally and physically." Lizzie exclaimed. "Maybe you just need a rest to clear your mind and get things right." Cari suggested. "I can't believe you guys. You believe her over me after everything we've all been through together, and after what my mother did to me." Lizzie said. There was a moment of silence. "Fine. I guess we're not really friends after all. Kila's plan is working. She's splitting us up." Lizzie added as she ran off.
Kila heard all of that so she went back to Kitty snd Maddie's dorm room and called the sane person she was talking to before. She told him everything that happened. "Looks like we'll have to illuminate the threat." Kila said.

EAH: Couples & Secrets! Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora