Chapter 85: She's takin or is She!?

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Most of the wonderlandians were hanging out by the tree. The ones who are relationships are taking some quality time with their true love. Lizzie and Daring, Bunny and Alistair, and Cari and Marchness. So it was just Maddie, Kitty, Dina, Tammy, Tony, and Cody.
Cody bumped into Daring. "Sorry man." Daring said. Cody took a deep breath. "It's okay. It was partly my fault." Cody insisted trying to be friendly. Lizzie walked over to him. "Hey." Lizzie said to everyone. "Hi." Everyone said in their mad way except for Cody. He had go put in a fake smile. Lizzie planted a kiss on Daring's lips. "I'll see you guys later." Lizzie said as her and Daring left.
Cody and the other single wonderlandians continued walking. "That was awkward." Kitty whispered in Maddie's ear. "I know. What was that about?" Maddie asked in whisper tone in Kitty's ear. "I don't know." Kitty whispered back in Maddie's ear. They just kept walking and thinking about what happened.
"I can't feel this way. She's takin. By Daring. But why him? What does he have that I don't? He's not only a royal but a Charming? I wonder if he compelled her or something. Probably not, she's too strong. What am I suppose to do? I'll figure it out one way or another. She'll be mine, you'll see Mr. Charming." Cody thought to himself.

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