Chapter 44: Family Reunion.... Sort of!

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Daring, Dexter, and Darling are texting in a group chat.
Daring: Come on Darling.
Darling: No.
Dexter: Why not?
Darling: You know why. You both do so why are pressuring me or even asking me something like this. You know how strongly I feel about this.
Daring: We just think it'll make you happier.
Dexter: exactly.
Darling: What!? You think me be ridiculed by my own father will make me happier. It'll just make me miserable. Mom and dad will never understand. They'll just try to control me and force me to come back home and make me be a princess.
Dexter: But what about us? We miss you.
Darling: That's sweet and I miss you guys too. How about you come visit me.
Daring: That's a good idea. I could see Lizzie.
Darling : See, that way everyone will be happy.
Dexter: Not mom and dad.
Dexter Charming left the chat.
Daring: Just think about it. Would you?
Daring left the chat.
Darling left the chat.
Darling layed down on her bed and thought about her parents and brothers. Darling got up and grabbed her armor. She put it on and grabbed her sword. She left her house.
"If I do see my parents again then they'll just try to make me stop doing this. They don't even care about me or love me at all. But.... They haven't been able to control is sons. The know about Lizzie and Dexter ad Daring not signing the storybook of legends. But that's not stopping them. Maybe I should . I don't know. I'll think about it later. I have to work now." Darling thought to herself.
           knock, knock. Prince Charming opened the door and stood there shocked. Mrs. Charming walked up behind him and also stood there shocked. "Woah. Um come in." Prince Charming invited her in. "Boys!" Mrs. Charming yelled. Daring and Dexter waked downstairs to find their sister Darling standing in the living room nervous. Darling hugged her parents and then her brothers. They all sat down talked about how everyone have been. Darling spent the night their.
             "I have to go." Darling said getting up. "Why?" Mr. Charming said as well getting up. "Work." Darling responded. "Where do you work?" Mrs. Charming asked getting up. "I'm the white knight in wonderland." Darling explained. "No. Your not doing that anymore. Your a princess and you have to act like one and be one. Your moving back in." Mr. Charming explained. "What!? No I'm not. I hate being a princess. I want to fight and be hero." Darling explained. "That's not your job or place. Your a girl not a boy." Mr. Charming stated. Darling skuffed and rolled her eyes. "Girls can do whatever boys can do and boys can do whatever girls can do." Darling said getting angry. "Oh please." Mr. Charming said. Now his wife is starting to get angry. "I am just as much of a hero as any guy. I'm the one who got Ginger to bake a message in a pie and send it to the wonderlandians who ended up being able to help save the wonder at Ever After. If it wasn't for me no one would have been able to save all the wonder in ever after." Darling explained. Mr. Charming looked impressed. "I knew coming here and seeing you was a bad idea." Darling exclaimed. Darling then told them about them not loving her or caring about her at all. Darling was about to leave but Mr. Charming stopped her. But then Mrs. Charming started yelling and he yelled back. Darling left very quietly not knowing that her brothers followed her.
            Darling, Dexter, and Daring went down the well of wonder. "Darling. Wait up." Daring and Dexter said in unison. Darling turned around. "What are you guys doing here?" Darling asked. "We're tired of dad. He hates us now because of the choices we've made." Dexter explained. "So we were thinking that we could stay here for the rest of the Sumner and then we could go back to Ever After High in the fall." Daring explained. "But then we'll be adults so he can't control us anymore and we can live our lives how we want to." Dexter added. "Sounds like a good plan." Darling agreed. "So could we stay with you?" Daring asked. "Sure. Why not?" Daring agreed. They all went to Darlings.
          Daring went over to Lizzie's to tell her and of course she told her wonderland friends. Lizzie was excited cause now she can see him even more. Dexter called Raven and told her. Raven thought that'll be great because then he doesn't have to worry about his dad or the pressure his dad is giving them. Now everyone is happy. Or are they?

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