Chapter 47: Back to School!

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             It was the first day of senior year. Kids were meeting up with friends and finding their dorms to unpack and finding their schedule.
"Hey Lizzie." Daring said. "Hey." Lizzie said hugging Daring. They kissed. "Hey Lizzie. We were wondering where you went. Now we know." Alistair said with a laugh and holding Bunny's hand. "Where's the rest of the group?" Lizzie asked still holding Daring's hand. "Don't know. We're trying to find everyone. They might be late." Bunny stated. "Their over by your usual hang out tree." Daring said pointing there. "Well, they weren't there a second go." Alistair said laughing. "We're going over there. Are you coming?" Lizzie asked. Lizzie looked at Daring. "Do you want to come?" Lizzie asked. "Sure." Daring replied. The four of them walked over to the tree.
              "Hi Ash." Hunter said. "Hey Hunter!" Ashlynn exclaimed. "That was one heck of a summer." Hunter stated. "Yeah. I thought for sure they were going to make us be apart." Ashlynn admitted. "But we changed their minds." Hunter stated. "Yeah. We weren't going to let them keep us apart anyways." Ashlynn stated. They kissed and hen hugged. "Hey Ashlynn." Apple said walking towards them. "Hi Apple." Ashlynn said. "Let's walk around." Apple said. "If Hunter can walk around with us then sure." Ashlynn demanded. "Deal." Apple said. They started walking.
               "Hey Briar." Hopper said wrapping his arms around her from behind. "Hi." Briar said turning around. Hopper is still holding her. "How was your summer?" Briar asked. "Good. You?" Hopper asked. "Pretty good." Briar responded. They kissed. "I love you." Hopper said. "I love you too." Briar said. "See, you don't have to be tongue tied." Briar added. They both laughed. Then they kissed and hugged again. "Hi Briar." Apple called waving. Briar took Hopper's hand and they walked towards them. "Hey Apple, Ashlynn." Briar said. "Hi." Ashlynn and Hunter said in unison.
               "Hi Raven." Dexter greeted. "Hey Dex." Raven said walking over to him. They kissed. "I love you." Raven said. "I love you too." Dexter agreed. They kissed again. "Raven! Raven!" Maddie called. Raven walked over there holding Dexter's hand. "Hey Mads." Raven said sitting down. "Hey brother." Daring said. "Hi Daring." Dexter greeted. They fist bumped and then the wonderlandians plus Raven plus the Charming brothers were talking and having a good time.
           "Hey Princess!" Sparrow sang. "Hi Sparrow." Poppy laughed. Sparrow grabbed Poppy and spung her around and then hugged her while she was still in the air. He kissed her and she kissed him back. He grabbed her hand and started walking. "Where are we going?" Poppy asked. "You'll see." Sparrow said. He took her to a big rock and they sat down. "Okay. I made you a love song. But it might not be good because I'm not really good with love songs." Sparrow said. Sparrow sang her the song and she had a big smile. "That was beautiful. I loved it." Poppy said. They smiled and then kissed.
               "Hey Wol." Cerise said. "Hi Cerise BadWolf. Or should I not call you that?" Wolverine asked laughing. Cerise playfully punched him in the arm but hard. "Ow." Wolverine said holding his arm with his other hand. "Stop acting like I hurt you." Cerise said laughing. They both laughed. Then they kissd. "Your amazing." Cerise said putting her head on his chest. "You are." Wolverine insisted. They started making out. "Get a room." Cedar said. "They stopped. "Shut up Cedar." Cerise said. Wolverine is still holding onto Cerise. Cerise pulled away but is still holding his hand. "Let's go get our schedule and dorm and locker." Cedar said. The three of them went to the office to get their stuff.
            First period Cupid was waiting for Dexter. "Hey Dex." Cupid said. "Hi Cupid. So I was wondering if we could hang out tomorrow after school?" Dexter asked. "Really?" Cupid asked. "Yeah. Just friends." Dexter replied. "Great. See you tomorrow." Dexter said walking towards Raven. Cupid sighed and went back to school.
Blondie and Holly have second period together. "Hey Holly." Blondie said. "Hi Blondie. How are you?" Holly asked. "Good. You?" Holly asked. "I'm good." Blondie replied. "That's good." Holly agreed. They were working on a project together in class. "So, any new guys?" Blondie asked. "I wish." Holly responded. "How about you?" Holly asked. "I'm not giving up." Blondie said with a laugh. They both shared a laugh. "No communication whatsoever." The teacher hissed. They stopped talking and continued their project.
            Darling was fighting as the white knight to the kids. She was having a good time. She loves this. She still haven't talk to her parents and neither have her brothers. They're all really mad at their parents.
               It's lunch and Faybelle was looking for Briar. "Faybelle." Briar called. Faybelle turned around. "There you are." Faybelle exclaimed. "We need to talk." Faybelle added. They found a place away from everyone else. "I think people are getting suspicious of my mom. If they found out her secret. I don't know what could happens, and it's scary to think about that." Faybelle said with a tear running down her cheek. "It's okay. We'll deal with it and make sure no one knows." Briar said. "Will it be so awful if anyone found out? Would my mother really be in danger?" Faybelle asked. "I don't know. But we can't take that risk. Your mom signed the storybook of legends and was going to follow her distny. But then she tried everything she can to reverse it and help her because she liked her, like a daughter. She kissed her on her forehead and broke the spell. She did try to follow her destiny. But she couldn't at the end." Briar said. "So?" Faybelle asked. "So, maybe your right. But we'll have to find out, and I know how." Briar said. With that Briar left and Faybelle followed.
               Knock, knock. "Come in." Headmaster Grimm said. Faybelle and Briar went inside. "What do you want?" Headmaster Grimm asked. Briar nodged Faybelle to talk. "We need to talk to you." Faybelle said. "What?" Headmaster Grimm asked. "It's just a question for thronework." Briar insisted. "If someone signed the storybook of legends and then only followed their story halfway will they get hurt or banished?" Faybelle asked. "What do you mean?" Headmaster Grimm asked. "They fell in love with someone or the person they are suppose to hurt but they like them too. They become like family or get married. Will something bad happen to them?" Faybelle asked. "It depends. If they know they did something wrong then they go to this place. You get a shot and they interject something in you. A magic erb called virvain. Then you can't be banished for not following your destiny even though you signed the storybook of legends. The person who does it doesn't believe in following your destiny. She was the very first person who refused to follow her destiny." Headmaster Grimm said. "Thank you." Faybelle said. Faybelle and Briar left. "Are you ready?" Briar asked. "Yes." Faybelle said.

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