Chapter 92: The Fourth Battle!

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            The battle was about to begin. Everyone got their weapons ready and all of the Ever After High students were spreading out to give them enough room. "Where are your weapons?" Bunny asked. " I'm glade you asked." Cody said. Just then he pulled out an athame and a gun. They all got scared.
           Maddie threw her razor hat at him and cut his forehead. He then pointed his gun at her. She didn't know what to do. Cody was about to shoot the gun but Dina shot her pepper grinder at him and he screamed in pain. He shot his gun but the bullet hit Ginger so Hopper and Briar took her to the hospital and came back.
        Lizzie threw a razor card at Cody and it hit the exact same spot as the hat razor did which made the cut deeper and far much worst. Cody screamed in pain and got angry. He pointed his gun at Lizzie ready to shoot. Her eyes widened. He shot the gun but Alistair got in front of her and used his sheild to protect them. The bullet scratched Cody's arm. Alistair grabbed the Vorpal sword and charged after Cody. But Cody kicked him in the chin, then grabbed Alistair's arm with the sword and twisted it behind him. Alistair let go of the sword, then Cody threw Alistair and he fell on Dina. Cody then picked up the Vorpal sword. He started swinging it and no one knew what to do.
            But after Alistair fell on Dina, Dina went missing. No one sees her. They're looking around and can't find her but they're hoping it's part if her plan so they're not telling Cody. Then Cody felt something on his shoulder so her turned around but no one was there. Then he looked down where his shoulder was and a dormouse was there. He tried up grab it but then she jumped down and in mid air turned back to human form. Then Dina used her pepper spray and shot it in his eyes. While he screamed in pain he dropped the Vorpal sword, so Dina picked it up and ran under his arm back to the group. Dina gave Alistair back to Vorpal sword and just as Cody was about to turn around Kitty used her claw gloves and slashed him on the back. He screamed in pain and turned around. Kitty is in the front of the group face to face with him. Cody sees the blood, his blood, drip from her claw gloved. Kitty looked at the claw glove with his blood on it back to him. He grabbed her by the neck and started choking her in the air. Just as the other wonderlandians were coming over to save her Cody threw Kitty, as hard as he can, and she hit a medium size rock and became unconscious.
           Then Cari did a bunch of flips towards Cody then one huge flip over Cody. Then she kicked him really hard where the scratches were and he fell on Marchness's jack spikes. He screamed in pain and now their are a bunch if little holes on his stomach.
            At this point Cody is beyond angry. Cody grabbed a hold if his athame and stabbed Cari with it. They all screamed and ran over to her. Cody grabbed her hookah and made a force field so the wonderlandians can't go to where Kitty was. They tried to get through but couldn't. But then Lizzie thought of something. Her mother's words cried to her like it was the most obvious thing in this world. "Everyone has a weakness and everyone has a strength. If you want to be a good ruler like me, you'll have to use both. Although if you play your cards right you might find that sometimes someone's weakness will become their strength and sometimes their strength becomes their weakness. You'll just have to knew when and how to play your cards right. Only then will you he a good ruler, like me." Lizzie's mom's face said as if she was standing right in front of her. "Cody wait! Your a better person then this." Lizzie exclaimed. "Really? Your going try the better person bit on me. Are you serious?" Cody asked. "I'm not done. She never loved you." Lizzie spited out. "What are you talking about?" Cody asked. "The Kennets are incapable of love. Kila probably had another ten guys she claimed to love only so they can do what the she wants." Lizzie explained. "Your lying. Your just trying to save your friend." Cody exclaimed. "Maybe I am. But it doesn't mean what I'm saying isn't true. Did you even watch that video in that box? Did you see that look on her face she you guys were hugging. But then she changed it when you guys looked at each other again. She was acting. It might have been true for you, bit it wasn't for her. So, why try so hard for someone who isn't worth it. Your hang. You have a lot of like a head of you. Are you really going go waste it on this and her? This isn't the Cody I knew a long time ago in wonderland. What happened to you?" Lizzie asked. "I found a girl who makes me happy. Which is more then I can say for you." Cody answered. "I know you've liked me all of these years. I'm sorry that I never knew how you felt. But even if I did know that, it wouldn't have changed anything. I still wouldn't have liked you more then a friend. I know you blamed Darng for that but it's not his fault. I just don't like you like that and I never will." Lizzie explained. "Is that what this us about. Are you doing all of this because I don't feel the same way about you that you do for me?" Lizzie asked. "No. I'm doing it because you killed my girlfriend and her while family. You will pay. If it's the last thing I do." Cody responded.
          Cody was about to stab Kitty in the head with his athame. But then Tony thought of an idea and whispered it in Tammy's ear. She liked it so they decided to do it. They both threw a croquet ball in the air and then hit it with their flamingo mallets. It hit the force field tearing it down. The wonderlandians rushed over there to save Kitty. They got in between of Kitty and Cody. You could see Cody getting angry.
                Marchness used his teapot cannon and shot hot tea in his face. He screamed in pain and then he turned around. Then Marchness used his teapot cannon to squirt hot tea on his scratches on his back which Ade his scream even harder to the point where he fell on the floor. He got up and looked at ever wonderlandian before him, even Kitty and Cari who were down and hurt. Then before anyone could move he scratched Alistair on the cheek with his athame. Bunny got mad and the she went behind him and tapped him on the shoulder. Cody turned around and Bunny used her wrecking watch and hit him in the eye, giving him a black eye. Cody feel to the ground in shock and all the wonderlandians had to move so he wouldn't fall on them. He got up about to shoot Maddie with his gun but Maddie caught him in shock and stabbed him in the stomach with her Vorpal blade then she used the Vorpal blade to cut off his nose. Cody held the bleeding part that used to hold his nose. Cody screamed in pain.
           Cody was facing away from the wonderlandians which isn't smart. "Cody!" Lizzie hollered. Cody thrned around and Lizzie hit him with the hobby horse. Then he fell and she kept hirting him a few more times. They took Kitty and Cari to the hospital and in a couple of weeks they were out just fine. Lizzie and Daring got back together which made both of them happy. Everything was finally over. No more missing links to the Kennet's. Or are there?

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