Chapter 31: The Real Lizzie!

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The wonderlandians were all by the same tree they're always at when Lizzie walked over. "Guys." Lizzie said. "Hey Lizzie." Alistair greeted. "You should try this." Bunny said. "Why won't your dad give us the recipe for his awesome food?" Dina asked. "Because it's a secret recipe. Besides since I'm his daughter and you guys are my friends we get the stuff for free." Maddie said. "True. Don't complain Dina. She might tell her dad to not give us these stuff for free." Cari said. "That'll be sad." Tammy and Tony said in unison.
"What's up Lizzie?" Marchness asked. "Thanks for asking. I've decided that I don't like that person I'm trying to be. The person that my mom wants me to be and even though I don't want to get hurt doesn't mean I should shut off the pain. Because I've learned that pain is a part of you and if you don't deal with pain then your basically shutting yourself off and shutting yourself out. But I'm still not going to show anyone I'm in pain. I'm going to wait until I'm alone." Lizzie said. "That's great." They all said in unison. "Your still going to show us your pain so we can help you deal with it right?" Tony asked. "Yeah. It's better to show at least one person your in pain so they can help you get thought and your not dealing with it alone." Tammy added. They all nodded their heads. "Fine. I'll let you guys know. But that's all and you guys won't tell anyone." Lizzie said. They all nodded their heads. Lizzie sat next to them and they were having a good time.
Lizzie was walking by herself when she saw Daring. She just kept walking not paying any attention of him. She hopes he doesn't see her and if he does she's going to pretend like she doesn't see him.
But then Daring saw her but he didn't go up to her. He realized that he needs to give her some space, some time to cool off. Lizzie saw that Daring saw her from the corner of her eye. She was confused why he didn't go up to her but she put it in the back of her head and forgot about it.
The wonderlandians were having a tea party in Maddie's and Kitty's dorm. Maddie gave everyone some tea and a couple of crumpets.
"So, how's school with everyone?" Alistair asked taking a sip of his tea. "I have a turtor so I'm doing better. I haven't got anything less then a C all year." Tony said very proud of himself. "I got a B on a project when I should have for an A." Tammy said. "You always say you should have got an A when sometimes you should get lower then the grade you got." Tony said. Tammy scolded him and then went back to her tea and crumpets. "Cooking classic was so not hat-tastic. Duchess sits next to me and she made an explosion in her food. It ruined my food and she blamed it on me so I got in trouble. Now I have detention for a week." Maddie explained. "What's wrong with Duchess anyways?" Dina asked. "No one knows." Cari replied. "I got a lower D on a project. Now my grade is an F. If I don't bring it up by my report card my dad's going to kill me." Marchness added. "What class Dina asked. "Chemythstry." Marchness replied. "Oh I can't help you on that one. I'm getting a C." Dina said. "I could help you." Bunny offered. "Really?" Marchness asked. "Yeah, I'm getting an A in that class." Bunny replied. "You get an A in every class." Cari said. "Shut up. I'm going to ask headmaster Grimm about starting a tutoring company. You could be my first person which would bring people in." Bunny added. "Thanks." Marchness and Bunny hugged. "I'd rather you tutor me too. You'd bring a wonderland style to it which would help us learn more. I use to do better at school in wonderland. I wonder if that's why I'm doing so bad. Don't say anything Tammy." Tony said. They all laughed. "I don't have any D's or F's but I don't have in A's either." Dina said. "Hey at least your average." Cari said. "I have straight A's like Bunny." Cari said. "Oh, by the way. My History of Evil Spells is almost a B, could you help me keep it up to an A?" Cari asked. "Of course." Bunny responded. "Wow, you almost have a B in the subject. You think you gave problems." Lizzie said. Everyone laughed. "I hate having these evil classes. I'm not going to be evil like my mom. I'm a royal who's not going to end up turning evil so I should get Royal classes only. Also some fighting classes. I hate those princesses who need a prince to save them. We are capable, independent women who don't need that. If we want to love we can get it ourselves and we can save the Prince. No the other way around." Lizzie said. "My fighting class is getting on my nerve. I can't seem to beat the white night. I wonder who that is." Alistair said. "Me too." Everyone agreed. They kept talking and laughing. They kept drinking their tea and eating their crumpets.
Lizzie just left the library and bumped into someone. She fell and he tried to help her up but she wouldn't allow it. She got up and brushed the dust off of her. "I can save and help myself thank you very much." Lizzie said still not looking at his face. The guy laughed. "Typical Lizzie. That's one of the things I love most about you. How independent you are." The guy said. Lizzie knew that laugh and voice all too well. She liked up and saw Daring Charming.
"Daring. What do you want?" Lizzie asked. "Nothing. I was just on my way to the library." Daring responded. "Okay." Lizzie said. Daring walked past her but Lizzie stopped him before he went into the library. "Why didn't you come up to me earlier? I know you saw me and that you were looking at me." Lizzie asked. "Because I realized that you need some time alone." Daring answered. "Do you want me to talk to you?" Daring asked. "Of course not. It just shocked me. That's all." Lizzie answered. "I think it's more then that." Daring said. "I don't know what your talking about." Lizzie lied. Lizzie started walking away. "I'm not going to give up on you Lizzie Hearts." Daring said.
Lizzie smiled. Then she stopped smiling and turned around. "No one has ever fought for me before. No one has wanted to be with me that much." Lizzie said. "Their lost." Daring said. Lizzie turned around and smiled. Then she walked away. She might give Daring another chance after all. But will she? Will he screw it up again?

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