Chapter 60: The first Battle!

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              "It's a little crowded in here." Mae said. "Yes it is. How about we head down to the battle room." Dale suggested. Then there was smoke and when the smoke cleared up the Kennet's were gone. Kitty then disappeared in her Cheshire way she does. The wonderlandians were confused. But then Kitty reappeared and then motioned for the other wonderlandians to follow her.
"This is the battle room." Mae said. "There's only one rule." Dale said. They looked at each other and then back at the wonderlandians. "There are no rules." The Kennet's said in unison.
           "The Kennet's started throwing dark magic at them. The wonderlandians hid. "What are we going to do?" Tony asked. "I have an idea." Maddie said and then she stood up. She blasted them with hot tea while the Kennet's screamed. "That hurts." Mae stated. "You'll pay for that." Dale said. As the Kennet's shot black magic at Maddie Kitty got in front of her and then they both disappeared like Kitty usually does. "Where did they go?" Mae asked. "I don't know. But it can't be good." Dale agreed. Then Kitty and Maddie appeared behind them. Kitty taped them on the shoulder and they turned around. Then Kitty kicked Mae in the face and she slid across the room. As Dale was about to shoot black magic at her she did the same to him as she did to Mae. Then Maddie and Kitty went back to their friends.
         Then Lizzie made a sturdy house of cards around the Kennet's. They tried to get out but they couldn't. "How is this so sturdy?" Mae asked. "They're just cards." Dale added. "Ha! I'm the princess of hearts. You can't get out of those." Lizzie said. "But until a person turns 18 they don't have their full magic powers and ability. So it should be able to break until you turn 18." Tammy stated. "Shh. They don't know that." Lizzie said. "We do now." Mae said. Then they used their magic to break free. "You need to learn how to be quiet." Marchness whispered. "You'll be sorry for that one. Your majesty." Dale said sarcastically.
          Then they threw black magic at Lizzie. But then a cloud got in front of her and absorbed the power and then disappeared in thin air. "How did that happen?" Mae asked. "Who did that?" Dale asked. "I did." Cari answered as she stood up.
        Then they tried to throw black magic at Cari. But Alistair got in front of her with a sword and the black magic blasted back to the Kennet's but they ducked. "That's mine. Where'd you get that?" Mae asked. "I found it." Alistair replied. Then Mae used telekinesis to bring the sword back to her. Then Dale grabbed his sword. "These are our only two swords. Bet you can't use telekinesis to bring them to you." Dale said with a smirk.
         "You guys can't defeat us now." Mae said. "You wanna bet?" Maddie asked. "We sure do." Dale responded. They both laughed. Then Maddie grabbed her hat and put her hand in it. She dug around there for a couple of minutes. Maddie sighed. "I hope this works." Maddie said. Then her face lit up when she found what she was looking for. She pulled out of her hat a cannon. Everyone gasped in shock. Maddie climbed it to push the button. "I knew you could pull things out of your hat but a cannon. I didn't know that you could do that." Bunny said. "Well it is now precisely midnight. Which means it's my eighteenth birthday. One minute ago I wouldn't be able to pull something like this out of my hat. But now that I'm eighteen, my powers are unlimited. I can feel the rush of my full power coming at me. This is a hat-tastic feeling." Maddie said. "Happy Birthday!" All of the wonderlandians said in unison.
           Maddie pushed the fire button. The wonderlandians put their hands over their ears and bent down. The Kennet's hugged each other and were scared. But instead of cannons coming out soap came out. "What? Why is there soap.... Never mind. I'm not even going to ask." Dina said. "This is not hat-tastic. I have to switch the soap with cannon balls." Maddie said. "You won't have time." Mae stated. "We will finish you first." Dale added. "We'll cover for you." Lizzie said.
            They started attacking the Kennet's. But Maddie was still at the cannon trying to switch the soap with cannon balls.
           "Your dead." Mae stated. Mae shot black magic at Bunny but she turned into bunny form and it didn't hit her. But then it was heading towards Kitty who was behind her. But Kitty disappeared and then reappeared behind her. The black magic hit the wall and made a hole in it. Kitty then grabbed Mae and threw her to the wall and made her unconscious. "MAE!!!!" Dale yelled.
Dale shot magic at Kitty but she disappeared and the reappeared by Maddie. "Are you almost done?" Kitty asked. "I'm getting there." Maddie replied. Kitty sighed.
        Dina stomped on Dales foot and then elbowed him in the eye. He fell back and hit his head. Mae got up out of unconsciousness. She shot some magic at Alistair. Bunny ran over to save him but Dale tripped her and got up. So Cari pushed him out of the way but the black magic hit her. "CARI!!!!" Alistair yelled. Dale grabbed Bunny and started choking her in the air. "BUNNY!" Alistair yelled. Kitty ran over to Cari. "I've got her. Go protect your girlfriend." Kitty said. Alistair went over but couldn't get Dale's grasp off of Bunny. "Do you have superhuman strength or something?" Alistair asked. He found one of the swords and grabbed it. He ran back over to Bunny who was loosing too much air. Then Alistair used the sword to cut Dale's arm off. Bunny fell to the ground breathing heavily trying to catch her breath. Dale was screaming in pain. "DAlE!!!!" Mae screamed.
          Mae shot magic at Tammy. But Tammy had her back at her trying to make sure Cari was okay. "NO!!!!" Tony screamed. He ran in front of her and the magic hit him. Tammy turned around and started crying. "TONY!!!! NO!!!!" Tammy yelled. She looked up at Mae who had a smirk on her face. "YOU DID THIS!!!! YOU WILL PAY!!!!" Tammy shouted. Mae just laughed. She got up with tears streaming down her face. Tammy ran to Mae not caring if she got hurt. Mae swung her sword at Tammy but she went to down to the floor and used her legs to trip Mae. Mae fell and Tammy stood up. She jumped on Mae's stomach and then banged her head on Metal. "YOU CAN MESS WITH ME BUT YOU DO NOT MESS WITH TONY!!!!" Tammy shouted as Mae's eyelid's shut.
"Is Tony, Cari, and Bunny okay?" Marchness asked. "Yeah, for now." Tammy, Dina, and Alistair said in unison. Tammy helped Tony, Marchness helped Cari, and Alistair helped Bunny. "IT'S READY!" Maddie shouted. Kitty pulled the Kennet's together and stood them up. Lizzie tied them up in sturdy cards. Then Lizzie woke them up smacking them around a few times. They wanted them awake when Maddie shoots cannon balls at them.
         The Kennet's started screaming and struggling. "FIRE!" Maddie yelled. She hit the button and a cannon ball flew out. It hit the Kennet's. The cannon broke through the wall with the Kennet's and the Kennet's hit the ground dead. The wonderlandians stated cheering. The wonderlandians hugged in happiness.

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