Chapter 17: Trouble!

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               Katie overheard the wonderlandians and their friends talk about Candy's return.
      "So, Candy Breadhouse has returned. I could have some fun with this." Katie said to herself. Then she disappeared leaving nothing but a smile.
          Katie reappeared where Candy's secret hide out is. "Hello Candy." Katie said with a big grin. "Katie. What do you want and how do you know that I'm back?" Katie asked. "Long story. I think we would make a great team. Just get the other people from high school." Katie suggested. "Isn't Maleficent good?" Candy asked. "Yeah. But we can turn her bad. We'll just need the right potion. Wonderland would have that. Or I should say the Hatters would have that." Katie said with her evil grin. Candy turned around to face Katie. "This might work out." Candy said with a big smile.
           Meanwhile at Wonderland the wonderlandians were taking Raven, Ginger, and Faybelle back home. After they went home the wonderlandians were wondering what to do.
             Candy had no idea what Katie's real plan is. Katie's plan is to watch Candy, Maleficent, Matilda, and Harritta fight and sit back and enjoy them spreading chaos.
            Katie went to go get Harritta while Candy went to go get Matilda and then they're suppose to meet at Maleficent's.
              After they were all together Candy stated the plan. "So, does everyone understand?" Candy asked. They all nodded their heads except for Maleficent. What's wrong Mel?" Candy asked. "I'm not evil and I'm in no way doing that. That's beyond evil. What about your guy's kids who don't want to be evil. Are you even thinking about them?" Maleficent asked. .   "They'll come around." Matilda said. "Of course they will." Candy agreed. "Bit what if they don't. They really, really don't want to be evil." Harritta stated. Maleficent nodded in agreement. "Harritta, your daughter will understand. Trust me." Candy said. Harritta thought about it for a moment and nodded. "Good." Candy said. "Get out of my meadow. You cannot do this. At least I won't." Maleficent said. "Fine, but we'll be back. You'll come around. One way or another." Candy said as she walked out.
                Katie disappeared and reappeared at the Hatters home while they were asleep. She went to the potion room and looked through them. She red lanes and everything. But then Katie had a big grin on her face. "Here it is." Katie said happy. She disappeared and reappeared where the others were. "Do you have it?" Candy asked. "Of course." Katie said. "Good. Now tomorrow morning put it in her morning coffee." Candy ordered. "Of course." Katie agreed.
         The next morning Kitty disappeared and reappeared at Mel's Meadow. No one was around so she put the potion in the coffee one of the servants made Mel. Then she went back to the group the same way.     Maleficent took a sip from it and automatically took an effect on her.
Later that day Maleficent went to their hide out ready to join in on the plan not knowing that she's being manipulated. What Candy doesn't know is that Harritta is having second thoughts. She's not sure if this plan is a good idea.   
            All of the kids are clueless. They don't know what their parents are doing. They don't think Candy's up to any good but they think the others are being good.
         But there's a lot they don't know. Will they be able to stop them before it's too late?

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