Chapter 8: Darling Charming!

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             In Wonderland the wonderlandians were fixing up the shoppe. But at a different part of wonderland, at the shady tree where the wonderland kids always hang out, stood the white night. The white night took of its helmet and let the long hair flow. The white night is a girl. Not just any girl, a Charming. The youngest Charming.
           She ran away to wonderland because she didn't want to be a princess. She wanted to fight. The card soilders thought she was an intruder so they tried to grab her. She fought them and won. Then The Queen of Hearts made her the new White Night because the other one was getting to old.
             No one could no she was the white night.          
                 Darling felt like someone was watching her so she put back on her helmet quick and grabbed her sword and turn around to find it was the card soilders, who are all afraid of her. "What do you guys want?" Darling asked as she slowly put her sword away. "The Queen of Hearts wants to speak with you." One of the card soilders said.
            The card soilders escorted Darling to the Queen of Hearts palace. "Yes, your Majesty?" Darling asked while bowing like a man. "Next year, only during school hours, you will go to Ever After High. You will be their to fight the kids. Like a practice fight for the students to learn." The Queen of Hearts said. Darling looked worried. "Don't worry. You don't have to show yourself to them. I know you want to keep your identity a secret." The Queen of Hearts added. "Yes your majesty, and thank you." Darling said while bowing like a boy. "Your diss missed." The Queen of Hearts said. The card soilder walked her out of the palace as Lizzie walked in.
            Lizzie was confused why the white night was at her palace. "Mom, why was the white night here?" Lizzie asked as she walked into the place her mom was at.
           The Queen of Hearts was at the main hall where her thrown was. Right next to her thrown was a smaller thrown that was made for Lizzie.
              Lizzie sat at her thrown waiting for an answer. "She is going to be going to your school next year, only for school hours, and will be what the students practice fighting with. "Oh." Lizzie said. "So, I'll finally get to see who she is?" Lizzie asked. "No, she wants to keep her identity a secret. "Only me and the card soilders know who she is. If they tell you it's OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!" The Queen of Hearts yelled. "Oh " Lizzie replied. "She's going to keep her armor and helmet on the whole time." The Queen of Hearts added. "Okay." Lizzie said.
         Darling heard the whole conversation. She went to her house and took of her helmet. "Good thing no one knows besides the Queen of Hearts and her card soilders." Darling said to herself. "That's a relief. I'm also glade she's not going to tell anyone." Darling added.

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