Chapter 7: Cerise Hood!

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          It's the day after the fair and everyone is with their pets and bags and suitcases.
           Daring came up behind Lizzie and gave her locket with a picture of Daring. Lizzie hugged Daring and they parted.
             Sparrow and Poppy hugged. Sparrow gave her kiss on the cheek and then they departed.
          Briar and Hopper had a conversation while holding hands and then they departed.
              Alistair gave Bunny a kiss and were holding hands. The wonderlandians walked up to them and were happy that they finally got together. They found out that their friends did know they both liked each other.
             Ashlynn and Hunter were in the woods talking. Hunter gave Ashlynn a bouquet of roses and a box of chocolate. She gave him a hug and then he gave her a passionate kiss on the lips. They then broke apart.
          Dexter went up to Raven. He didn't want their relationship to be a secret just because he's a royal and she's a rebel. Or because he's a Charming and she's the daughter of the Evil Queen. Dexter gave Raven a small peck on the lips and everyone was surprised and confused. Raven was glade that Dexter didn't want to keep this thing they have a secret. They broke apart and didn't talk to anyone about this. They avoided everyone.
            Cerise is happy that she's going back to her family and pack. She hates pretending she's someone else. Cerise might seem shy but she's actually a badass. The most badass of this school, but no one knows that. Except for Kitty and Raven, who both found out by accident. Kitty was going to tell everyone but Raven stopped her. After Spring fairest Kitty realized that some pranks and jokes are funny but some can really hurt other people. So, Kitty decided not to tell anyone and she even told Cerise that.
           Cerise looked at it and closed it fast so no one can see it. She looked sad so Raven put a comforting hand on her shoulder which made Cerise feel good. Kitty saw that Cerise was down to so she left her wonderland friends for a minute and hugged Cerise. Kitty whispered in Cerise's ear. "Don't worry everything will be okay." Then they broke apart and Kitty gave Cerise a warming smile and Cerise returned the smile. Kitty returned to the wonderlandians and Raven went to Dexter who had a bouquet of roses for her.
             Then the big bad wolf growled at Ashlynn and Hunter and kept walking. He smiled at Cerise and Cerise gave him the smile back. Mr. Badwolf was standing where he could see Cerise very clear.
             Cerise's mom was already there but out of sight. Red was waiting until everyone else was already gone so she can pick up her daughter and husband. That way Mr. Badwolf doesn't have to go home on his own. Cerise knew that and so does Mr. Badwolf. Since Cerise can't act like Mr. Badwolf is her dad then she wants to leave with both of them so they can act like a family as soon as possible. Besides Red misses her husband as well as her daughter.
           Cerise knelt down to Carmine, who pet Grey Wolf, and petted her. Carmine is smart and knows that she can't go up to Mr. Badwolf and lick him when their at school grounds.
            The wonderlandians decided to go ahead and leave. They said goodbye to all of their other friends so they left in a pack. They went down the well of wonder to see their parents again. Raven, Daring, Dexter, and Apple all left as well with their pets. Then Ginger, Helga, Gus, Sparrow, Poppy, and Holly all left with their pets. After that Cedar, Blondie, Duchess, Briar and Cupid left. Finally Ashlynn, Hunter, the teachers, and the headmaster with his brother left. Cerise and Mr. Badwolf hid so the headmaster and the teachers are aloud leave. The headmaster cannot leave until all of the students are gone.
             Red finally showed herself. Cerise and Mr. Badwolf went into Red's car. Mr. Badwold drove while Red was in the passenger seat and Cerise was in the back with Carmine. "Let's crank up this music." Mr. Badwolf said with a slight laugh. He turned up the music and everyone started jamming to it, even Carmine.
When they finally got in their cabin they were so happy to be together as a family again.
            Cerise went to her room and flopped on the bed. Carmine went up to her and started to lick her face Cerise sat up and her hood fell off but she didn't care. She's happy that she doesn't have to hide it now.
           Red made dinner while Cerise, Mr. Badwolf, and Carmin were on the couch hanging out. Red would join them when ever she wasn't checking the food.
            They sat at the table and ate steak and chicken. Their favorite. Carmin is part of the family so she sits with them at the table and everything. She is the most well trained wolf you'll ever see, besides Mr. Badwolf of course.
             After dinner they were cleaning up. Cerise loves to help. Carmin even helps, by finishing the left overs.
             Their was a knock on the door. They were all scared that Cerise had a surprise visit. "Who is it?" Red asked. "It's us." The voice said. They all took a sigh of relief. "Come in." Mr. Badwolf yelled. Then all of the wolfs from Mr. Badwolf's family came in. "Hey Ruff." Mrs. Badwolf said as she walked in.

(Authors Note: I just made up the name Ruff so I don't have to keep saying Mr. Badwolf.)

            Ruff's parents had ten girls and ten boys. So, Ruff has ten sisters and nine brothers. "Hi mom, dad, sisters, brothers, neices, nephews." Ruff said. "Hey." They all said in unison. "How about we hang outside. This is a small cabin and a lot of people." Red suggested. "Good idea." Cerise agreed.
           They all went outside and had a good time. "So, Cerise. We haven't seen you in a while." One of her boy cousins said. "Yeah, you should go to wolf school with us." One of her girl cousins added. "Then you wouldn't have to hide your wolf ears." Her Grandma added while laying down a bowl of chips next to them. "Well, I would love to see you guys more. But.... All of my friends are at Ever After High." Cerise said. "Who are your friends there?" Her Grandpa asked. "Cedar Wood, Raven Queen, and Madeline Hatter. But they're not the only ones I talk to some other people too. All of them are nice to me except Duchess swan who is mean to everybody. Faybelle Thorn sometimes is nice sometimes is mean. Kitty Cheshire isn't really mean but a prankster and joker but she doesn't go over the line unlike her mom." Cerise replied.
              "So, your friends are the kids of Pinocchio, The Evil Queen, and The Mad Hatter?" Her college cousin asked with a raised eyebrow. "Yeah but Raven isn't evil. She's good. Trust me I know." Cerise said. "Then she's not on script." Her college cousin said. "Not everyone is. A lot of people want to write their own destiny, which is pretty cool. I mean, I'm not on script. In my story I'm the bad guy and the good guy. Since I'm the wolf and little red riding hood. I don't actually have a destiny." Cerise admitted. "Well, I would understand if you don't follow your destiny if your a younger sibling who's older sibling gets destiny." Her college cousin said. "I don't think you should follow your destiny unless you absolutely want to." Cerise said.
            Something is in the bushes. Everyone froze. But then appeared Kitty. "Uh oh." Ruff looked at his wife and daughter, who didn't have her hood on. "It's not what it looks like." Ruff started. "It's okay." Cerise said getting up. "This is Kitty. She and Raven found out by accident but they won't tell anyone." Cerise said. "Are you sure?" Red asked. "Yeah, they've known for a while and haven't told anyone. You can trust them. Or at least trust me." Cerise said. Everyone had a sigh of relief.
              "What are you doing here?" Cerise asked Kitty. "Me, my mom, the wonderlandians, and their parents all came back to get the Hatter who was still at his tea shoppe here. We were also getting some stuff to re due his tea shoppe in wonderland so he could do it over the summer their." Kitty answered. "Oh, well this is my wolf family." Cerise introduced. "Well, you guys need to go. They're going to be here soon." Kitty said.
              They all went into the cabin, even know it was cramped, as the other walked over to Kitty. "What's in this cabin?" Kitty's mom asked. "Oh, I already checked. It's nothing useful just a bunch of junk." Kitty replied. "Oh okay." Kitty's mom said. Everyone left but Kitty waited. The wolfs and Red and Cerise came out. Kitty smiled and winked at them. Then she disappeared and reappeared where the others were.
             "I told you I could trust her." Cerise said. "Well, at least the good people no. Just don't let the bad people no. "Of course. The ones I'm most worried about finding out is Duchess Swan, Apple White, Cedar Wood, and Headmaster Grimm." Cerise said. "I thought you said Cedar was your friend?" Her Grandpa asked. "She is, but until graduation she can't tell a lie." Cerise said. "Oh." Everyone except Cerise said in unison.
                 Cerise had a good time with her family. She really loved them and was really happy that she didn't have to hide who she really is.

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