Chapter 51: The Truth About Blondie Part 2!

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            When Apple told Ashlynn and Briar about Blondie they didn't think anyone was listening. But they were wrong. Duchess was walking back to Ever After High after being at her lake for a while.
           "Hi wonderlandians." Duchess greeted. "Why are you talking to us?" Dina asked. "Why wouldn't I?" Duchess asked sitting down. "What do you want?" Tony asked. "Come on. Don't be like that." Duchess insisted. "Ugh. Just get on with it." Tammy ordered. "We don't like you." Cari said. "Ouch. That hurt. Not." Duchess said with a laugh. "Stop with this act." Maddie insisted. "Do I have to pull a Cheshire prank on you?" Kitty asked. "No! Fine, I'll tell you what I want. There's a lot of you wonderlandians. So, I wanted you to tell everyone some news." Duchess said. "Depends. What is the news?" Lizzie asked. Duchess told them about Blondie. "How did you find out?" Alistair asked. "You know?" Duchess asked. "I do too." Bunny said. "How do you guys know?" Tony and Tammy asked in unison. "We found out a while ago." Alistair admitted. "We promised we wouldn't say anything." Bunny replied. "Of course you did. Fine, how about the rest of you wonderlandians?" Duchess asked. "Of course not." Cari said. Duchess rolled her eyes. "This is not hat-tastic." Maddie exclaimed. "I might like pranks. But this is too far indeed." Kitty agreed. "Ugh. You guys are boring." Duchess complained. "Well, your mean." Dina shot back. "We know you want happy ever after." Alistair said. "We think that's the only reason why your doing this." Bunny agreed. "But now you can have a happy ever after. Just don't follow your destiny." Tammy said. "You don't have to be this way." Tony agreed. "Have you thought that I like being like this and this is who I am?" Duchess asked. "But it's not. Somewhere deep down is a good person. You just have to let her out." Cari said. "You don't have to do this anymore. You can write your own destiny now." Dina said. "It doesn't have to be like this. You can change for the better. Show your true self." Lizzie added. "For once don't play the villain. Play the hero." Alistair said. "No!" Duchess said. "That's why your not getting a happy ever after." Bunny explained. "You can do this. Want some tea to help with the tears your trying to hold back and hide?" Maddie asked. "I don't know what your talking about." Duchess said. "Stop hiding your true self." Kitty said. "I'm not." Duchess said getting up and leaving. The wonderlandians sighed and rolled their eyes.
Duchess told everyone and it adventually got to Headmaster Grimm. "Miss Lockes. Come to my office now." Headmaster Grimm announced over the speakers. Blondie was scared of why he wanted to see her. "Apple wouldn't tell. Would she?" Blondie asked herself.
             Knock, knock. "Come in." Headmaster Grimm said. "You wanted to see me." Blondie said coming in. "Miss. Lockes. News is traveling around about you being a royabel." Headmaster Grimm said. "Who told you?" Blondie asked. "Rumor has it that Duchess started it. Which isn't surprising, not even for me." Headmaster Grimm admitted. "Yes, it's true. My mom broke into the bears house. She stole stuff and broke stuff. Which means that's my story which makes me a rebel. But I'm a princess and my mom is a queen and we live in a castle and rule a kingdom. Which makes me a royal. Which means I'm a royabel." Blondie explained. "You know you have to choose, right?" Headmaster Grimm asked. "Why? Why do we have to choose? I use to want to be a royal and not a rebel. But now it's different. I don't know what changed, but my eyes opened. I saw the light. It's not bad to be both. It's actually better and easier. This is who I am, it always has been. I am not a royal. I am not a rebel." Blondie stood up. "I am a royabel. Blondie then left.
            "Duchess, thank you." Blondie said. "For what?" Duchess asked. "Telling everyone my secret." Blondie replied. "Why are you thanking me for that?" Duchess asked. "Because I found out who I am. I know you were trying to ruin my life, but instead you helped me. So, thank you." Blondie answered. Blondie then left leaving Duchess dumb founded. "Why do I never succeed with this? Maybe it's not me. Maybe it's not who I am or what I'm suppose to do." Duchess thought to herself out loud.

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