Chapter 33: The White Knight!

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                It's fighting class and Darling Charming was dressed as the white knight. She was fighting people.
                "Mr. Wonderland your first." The teacher said. Alistair went up there ready to fight with his sword. They were fighting. Alistair almost got her but he lost focus and she made him fall. "Okay. Good, but you can do better. Remember don't loose focus." The teacher suggested.
                "Mr. Charming. Daring Charming. Your next." The teacher said. Daring was fighting her. But she fake left and went right and made him fall. "Same as Alistair. Only you didn't get distracted. Next time be more aware of fake outs." The teacher suggested.
                 "The other Mr. Charming. Your next." The teacher said. Dexter was fighting and Dexter lost his sword because he didn't have a good enough grip on it. "Next time keep your sword. It could come in handy." The teacher suggested.
                 "Next is Mr. Hood." "I forgot my sword in my dorm." Sparrow said with a shrug. "In a real fight that one mistake would have gotton you killed. Be more prepared." The teacher suggested.
                "Next is Mr. Croakington." The teacher said. Hopper went up there and they fought. In the middle of the fight Hopper lost his sword and then turned into a frog. "Next time don't loose your sword. It could cotne in handy. Plus don't turn into a frog. It'll get you killed." The teacher suggested.
                "Next is Miss. Hearts." The teacher said. Lizzie went over there and was fighting. They fought for a while. She was the best in the class, and no one thought a girl could fight. But then Darling went on the ground and tripped Lizzie with her feet and then Darling got back up." "Very good Miss. Hearts. Just next time when you see her in the ground jump out of the way so they can't trip you." The teacher suggested.
                 Class was over. Lizzie was very impressed with herself. She told her wonderland friends what happened and they congratulated her. She did pretty well on her first day of class.
                 The next day all the boys made the same mistake as the day before. "Okay boys. You need to practice your mistakes some out of class so you don't make that mistake again." The teacher suggested. "Next is Miss. Hearts." The teacher said.
                 Lizzie went up their and when Darling went on the ground to trip her she jumped out of the way. Unlike the guys she did not make the same mistake as she did the day before. But then Lizzie got her from behind and she fell. But when she fell her helmet came off. Everyone gasped. "Darling!" Daring and Dexter said in unison when they saw her face.
                Darling put her helmet on and ran. Everyone was too shocked to do anything.
                  After class Lizzie and Alistair told them everything. "Wait, who's Darling?" Maddie asked. "I asked Daring. It's his and Dexter's little sister." Lizzie responded. "What!? We didn't know the Charmings had a girl." Tammy and Tony said in unison. "No one did. Apparently Darling didn't want to be a princess so she ran away." Lizzie said. "How did she become the white knight?" Marchness asked. "They don't know. That's why we all need to skip the rest of our classes. So that way we can find her and get to the bottom of this."
                Alistair said. They all agreed and left. But they couldn't find her. "Where could she be?" Cari asked. "She could be anywhere?" Dina said. "My feet hurt." Tony complained. "Of course your feet hurt." Tammy said. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Lizzie asked Alistair. Alistair nodded. Everyone else confused. "Well what is it?" Maddie asked. "We'll have to go to wonderland and ask the Queen of Hearts." Alistair answered.
              The wonderlandians went down the well of wonder and to the Queen of Hearts palace. Lizzie told her everything. "Well Elizabeth. Darling went down the well of wonder by accident. She was dressed in princess clothing. But no one is allowed to dress like a princess or Queen in wonderland unless your the princess or Queen unless there's a ball I'm hosting and I invited Queen's and princesses. So the guards tried to take her in but she fought them. She ran and was trapped the only way to get away was to go inside the palace. She got distracted by me and the thing we use to cut off heads. Since she was distracted the guards got a hold of her. She told me how she didn't want to be a princess. She wants to be a hero and a fighter. So I made her the White Knight instead of cutting off her head." Harritta explained. "Thank you mom. Could you have her come talk to us the next time you see her?" Lizzie asked. "Sure." Harritta agreed. "Well that explains everything." Bunny said.
                 They left and went back to Ever After High. They found Daring and Dexter and told them everything. Now the only question is where is she?
                   Meanwhile in the Dark Forest stood Darling Charming. "I'm not going back to being a princess. There's no way." Darling thought to herself. But then got scared when she saw someone with a red hood. But the hood wasn't on and she saw wolf ear.
           Cerise quickly put on her hood. "Who are you? You were running like the wind with a lot of meat in your wooden basket and your eyes was glowing. Your wearing a red cape with wolf ears. "I-it's nothing." Cerise said shyly. "I would say your daughter of little red riding hood. Except the wolf parts...." Darling trailed off. "Are your parents little red riding hold and the big bad wolf?" Darling asked. "N-no." Cerise answered. "They are. They went off script." Darling said shocked. "N-no. How'd you know?" Cerise asked growling. "It's a pretty accurate guess. Besides if they saw your wolf ears then just give them a minute then anyone can figure it out." Darling replied. "Don't worry. Your secrets safe with me." Darling said. "Thanks." Cerise said.
              Cerise sat next to Darling. "Who are you?" Cerise asked. "I'm the White Knight." Darling responded. "Really? The White Knights a girl. That's wicked cool." Cerise said with a smile. "Does anyone else know about you?" Darling asked. "Two people. But they both found out by accident. Raven Queen and Kitty Cheshire." Cerise said. Darling nodded. "What's your name?" Darling asked. "Cerise Hood." Cerise responded. "What's your name?" Cerise asked. "Darling Charming." Darling responded. "Charming? As in the Charmings?" Cerise asked. Darling nodded. "I'm the youngest." Darling added. "I didn't know they had a girl." Cerise said. "Know one did." Darling told her everything that happened when she ran away. "Daring and Dexter just now found out I'm the White Knight. That's why I'm here." Darling added. "You shouldn't hide who you are. How do you know who you are and what people think about you and who your friends are if no one knows the real you." Cerise said. "That's good advise." Darling said. "Maybe you should take it sometime." Daring suggested.
                 Darling got up and started walking back to Ever After High. But the she turned back around to face Cerise. "I'm going to show everyone the real me. Are you coming." Darling asked. "It's not about being afraid or scared of what people would think about me. It's about being shy and worried what will happen to my parents." Cerise said. "Little Red Riding Hood and The Big Bad Wolf are both Badasses and so are you." Darling said. "We just met. How would you know?" Cerise asked. "I'm a very good judge of character." Darling said and with that she walked away.
                 Darling entered Ever After High and everyone was looking at her. She had her helmet on but news travels fast there so everyone already knows. She took her helmet off and let her hair flow in the wind. Even though everyone knows who she is there were still gasping.
                  "Yes I am a girl and yes I am the a white Knight and yes I am Darming Charming. Daughter of Prince Charming. Sister of Daring and Dexter Charming. This is who I am. If you don't like it then too bad. I didn't like being a princess. I wanted to be a hero and fighter. I can write my own story. I don't have a destiny. So I choose this as my destiny. But if you ask me, we should all get to choose our destiny." Darling said. Cerise, The wonderlandians, Daring, Dexter, Raven, Ginger, Briar, Ashlynn, Hunter, Faybelle, and Poppy all clapped their hands.
                 Darling bowed and then walked over to Cerise. Everyone was clapping really loud so no one could hear them. "Take your own advise." Darling said then she walked off to the well of wonder to return to wonderland.
                  Cerise thought about what Darling said. But will she take her own advise? If she does what would everyone think about it?

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