Chapter 77: locked In!

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        Kila was walking when Lizzie stepped in front if her with arms crissed. "What do you want?" Kila asked. Lizzie's arms went down. "I know there's good in you. You don't have to do what your sister did your wha your boyfriend is telling you to do." Lizzie said. "I'm the oldest. I was born evil. I met my boyfriend and we were both already evil. On our own." Kila said. "Don't lie to yourself." Lizzie said. "The only person who's lying here is you. I know what your doing. Your trying to say all these things aboutvme being good inside, saying that you know I have always been good, and then I'll just magically poof good even though I'm not. I'm not stupid. But you have known for a long time there was something up with me. But not long after we met and I came to Ever After High you had a bad feeling about me. The others probably had a feeling bit didn't know what it was and they just brushed it off. But not you. You are the Princess of Hearts, daughter of the Queen of Hearts. You were raised to look at someone twice and to get to know them before you figure out if they're good or evil." Kila explained. "Your right." Lizzie said crossing her arms again. Kila stormed off. "The threat is getting better. So I'll have to illuminate the threat now!" Kila thought to herself.
         Lizzie was walking when Kila came up to her. "Look. I'm not going to play around like you did earlier. I'm just going to cut to the chase." Kila said. "Oh yeah, and what is that?" Lizzie asked. "This." Kila said as she pushed Lizzie in the janitors closet. She locked it and walked away. She can't get out. "I need you out of the way. After I get the other wonderlandians against themselves I will come back to illiminate the threat once and gull all." Kila said. "What am I going to do. She's going to get the other wonderlandians to fight and stop being friends and I can't help them. But I'm not going to give up." Lizzie said trying figure out how to get out.

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