Chapter 41: Telling Parents!

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Ashlynn Ella was in her kingdom. She had just woken up and had got all dressed and ready. Today was the big day. Today is the day that she's going to tell her parents about her and Hunter.
Hunter Huntsman was in his cabin. He had just woken up and had got all dressed and ready. Today was the big day. Today is the day the he's going to tell his parents about him and Ashlynn.
I know they've been dating for years but they haven't told their parents yet. They were too afraid of what they'd think and do. But after what had happened last year and since they didn't sign, because of each other, they decided to tell their parents. Their parents are upset and curious and confused about why they didn't sign the storybook of legends. But that's not the only reason why they're telling their parents now. They hate lying to their parents and just want to let it out. After they tell their parents, everyone will know. It's an amazing step but they're nervous and afraid. But they're ready. Or they think they're ready.
Ashlynn and Hunter were texting each other.

Hunter: You ready?
Ashlynn: Yes. But I'm also nervous.
Hunter: Same. But it's okay. We'll get through this, together.
Ashlynn: Oh Hunter, you always make me feel better.
Hunter: I love you.
Ashlynn: I love you more.
Hunter: Not possible.
Ashlynn: *giggles* Good luck.
Hunter: *laughs* Good luck to you too.

Ashlynn walked down her staircase and into the kitchen where her parents are. "Mom. Dad." Ashlynn said nervous. "Yeah sweetie?" Her dad asked. "Thomas, where's the cook?" Cinderella asked. "Restroom. The butler went to go get some food for lunch too. If you were wondering." Thomas replied. "Okay, thanks." Cinderella said. "Sorry. What is it you wanted?" Cinderella asked. "It's just that...." Ashlynn started as she sat at the take. "You know how whenever you ask about my relationship status at Ever After High I just avoid the question as best as possible?" Ashlynn asked. "I never really thought about it but I guess yeah, you kind of do." Cinderella responded. "Well, I'm not going to avoid it anymore. The truth is.... I did, find my true love. I care about him and he means so much to me." Ashlynn confessed. "That's great. Who is it?" Thomas asked. Ashlynn took a deep breath. "Hunter Huntsman." Ashlynn admitted. Cinderella and Thomas were dumb founded and shocked. "Mom. Dad. Please say something." Ashlynn asked. "Well. I'm shocked. You know you can't end up together, right? He's not in your story." Cinderella said. "So, that doesn't matter anymore. I didn't sign the storybook of legends and neither did he." Ashlynn said. "Yeah but you will next year." Thomas said. "No I won't I don't want to and neither does he because we want to be together. You can't change that and you can't make me sign if I don't want to. I thought you guys loved me and wanted the best for me and just wanted the bear for me. But I guess I was wrong. You only care about you and your happiness. Not me and mine." Ashlynn said as she ran in her room. She flopped on her bed and started crying.
"Dad. Where's mom?" Hunter asked. "I'm here." Hunter's mom said as she entered the house with a bunch of groceries. "Let me help you, Caroline." Hunter's dad said. Thanks Rod." Caroline said. "I'll help too." Hunter said going to the car to get more groceries. "Thanks both of her." Caroline said. "I need to talk to both of you." Hunter said nervous. "Yeah?" Rod asked. "Well. I don't exactly know how to say it. So, here it goes. You think I'm dating Cerise, and yeah I'm suppose to marry her. But I'm not going to. I'm not even dating her right now." Hunter confessed. "What?" Rod asked. "But why?" Caroline asked. "Because I don't love Cerise. I'm in love with Ashlynn Ella." Hunter admitted. Rod and Caroline were dumb founded and confused. "This isn't right. You know you have to marry Cerise, right?' Caroline asked. "No I don't. I didn't sign the storybook of legends, neither did Ash. "But you will next year." Rod said. "No, I won't and neither will Ashlynn. Ashlynn is most of the reason why but also part of it is me not wanting to hurt animals." Hunter said. Rod stood. "You will sign the storybook of legends whether you like it or not." Rod said angry. "NO I WON'T!" Hunter yelled running to his room. He started throwing some stuff around and then layed on his bed angry.

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