Chapter 32: Forgiveness!

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        Lizzie was in Mr. Badwolf's class. She was getting all of her stuff. Lizzie was running late.
         "Lizzie." Alistair called from the shady tree. "Hey. I need to tell you guys something." Lizzie said. Lizzie told them everything that happened outside of the library. "So, what do you guys think?" Lizzie asked. "I think he's sincerely a good guy just misunderstood. Like you." Alistair said. "Yeah, so there for you should give him another chance." Bunny added. "Why? So he can hurt her again." Cari said. "I think you should just leave him be." Cari added. "But don't you want Lizzie to be happy?" Bunny asked. "Of course but she's not going to be happy with a jerk like him." Dina said. "I agree. He hurt her and if we really cared about Lizzie we wouldn't want her to go for it and just get hurt again." Tony said. "But if we really cared about her we would want her to be happy and go for it." Tammy said. "Yeah. Everyone makes mistakes. True love always finds it's way and and it's certainly finding it's way now." Maddie added. "But he hurt her. Guys like that are players. There selfish and only care about himself." Marchness said. "No, he's just misunderstood. Like Lizzie." Bunny said." Yeah. So Lizzie can relate to him." Alistair added. "Which means they really are perfect together." Tammy said." They are hat-tastic together. You know what they say, the ones you love the most are the ones who hurt you the most." Maddie added. "But if someone hurt you so much why be with them no matter how much you love them." Cari said. "Like they say, if you love someone let them go." Marchness added. "Why bother with something like this. Or someone like this?" Dina asked. "Yeah. Just stay away from him. He's bad news." Tony said.
         They were all arguing. Lizzie was trying to get them to stop but she couldn't. "OFF WITH YOUR HEADS!" Lizzie yelled. They all stopped talking. "Now that I've got your attention and your opinion. It's up to me to decide. This is my life and my love. I'm glade you guys all care about me and want nothing but the best for me but I think I know what my true heart is telling me." Lizzie said.
       "What!?" They all asked in unison. "I'll let you know later. I think Daring should know my answer first. But you guys will most defiantly be second." Lizzie said and with that she left. Lizie was looking for Daring. But she couldn't find him. So, she tried to look for him in the Villiage of Book End.
           She tried the coffee shop where he was dared to asked her out. Lizzie saw him talking to Dexter, Hopper, and Sparrow. Lizzie sighed. "It's now or never." Lizzie thought to herself. Lizzie took a deep breath and walked over to them.
     "Daring, could I talk to you?" Lizzie asked trying not to be obvious of what she's about to say. Lizzie pulled Daring to the side.
    "Yes Lizzie?" Daring asked confused that she actually wants to talk to him. "I've been thinking about us and, well, I love you. I do. I want to be with you but you really hurt me and I don't know what I want to do. I mean I do know what I want to do but I don't want to get hurt again." Lizzie confessed while holding back some tears. "It's okay Lizzie. I promise I will never hurt you again until the day I die." Daring promised. "I missed you Daring." Lizzie hugged Daring. "I missed you too Lizzie." Daring kissed Lizzie passionately on the lips.
    Lizzie and Daring went to the shady tree the wonderlandians always are and holding hands. "So, you guys decided to get back together." Alistair said while looking at Cari, Dina, Tony, and Marchness. Those four stood up. "Even though we think your making a mistake we're glade your happy." Marchness said. "Just be careful." Tony said. The other four stood up. All of them hugged Lizzie and Lizzie hugged back.
       Daring and Lizzie went on a date for the first time in forever. They couldn't be happier. They finally got their happy ever after.
       The next day Lizzie went to talk to Headmaster Grimm. She demanded to have some fighting classes since she technology would need it to be the next Queen of Hearts. He agreed. He replaced one of her villain classes with one fighting class. She was hoping that he would replace all of her villian classes with fighting classes but this is good for now.

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