Chapter 98: No One likes Legacy Day!

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It's Legacy Day, again. Headmaster Grimm is determined to have everyone sign the storybook of legends one way or another. No matter what the cost.
Headmaster Grimm. Stood up at the podium. "As you know graduation is one week away. I know a lot if you don't want to sign. But I don't care. You have to." Headmaster Grimm explained. Faybelle stood up from her seat. "Why should we? Turns out some of our parents didn't go on script. Like my mom or Cerise's parents. Or even Hunters dad. Besides, there are stuff we want to do and people we want to be with that we can't if we sign. So I say no. You can't force us to sign. We won't allow it. If we have to well get our parents involved. Even if they don't like us not signing the still wouldn't like you trying the force us. I say we burn the storybook of legends and everyone right their own destiny!" Faybelle said. "I agree. I technically don't have a story ad even if I did I wouldn't want to do it. It's none sense and stupid!" Cerise agreed. "The storybook did nothing but cause the people and the school into chaos!" Ashlynn agreed. "Let's burn the boom before anything worst happens!" Hunter agreed.
Headmaster Grimm grabbed the book and turned around to leave but Giles Grimm was standing there. Miton was so shocked that Giles Grimm was able to snatch the book from him. Milton tried to grab it but he threw it and Apple grabbed caught it. "What!? Why!?" Milton asked. "Sorry, but this is for your own good." Giles said.
Everyone was looking at Apple wondering what she was going to do. But, Apple didn't even know. "Good my Queen. Give me the book." Headmaster Grimm said calmly. Apple took a deep breath. She was about to throw it to Headmaster Grimm which no wanted but then a bunch of thoughts and bad memories raved threw her mind. "You have no concern for anybody else. As long as you get your happy ever after you don't care if everyone around you is miserable. Geez Apple, why do you have to be so selfish?" Daring's words rang in her mind. "I garenteed by the time you graduate from high school you'll have no friends. No one will like you except your family. You might have the best destiny, but you also have the saddest." Briar's words rang threw her mind. "Remember what Daring and Briar told you and what everyone has been saying ever since." Darling's words rang threw her mind. Apple saw the fire that Hunter made when they were trying to get the book. Apple pretended like she was about to throw it to Milton and he was ready to catch it. But instead she threw it into the fire. "NO!" Headmaster Grimm yelled. Everyone cheered except for Milton. It's finally over, once and for all.

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