Chapter 2: Lizzie & Daring!

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         Daring was starting to fall for someone. Someone he's not suppose to be with Someone who's suppose to be evil according to her destiny. Someone who's a roybel. Someone who's not Apple White. Daring is suppose to marry Apple according to their destiny's. But what if he wanted to marry someone else? What if He wanted to be with another, and rebel.
           Her name is Lizzie Hearts, daughter of the Queen of Hearts. Which means she's a princess but her mom was evil which adimatically makes her evil. Lizzie doesn't want to be evil, she just wants to be Queen of Wonderland. Briar helped her realize that she doesn't need to be like mother and that she actually doesn't want to be like her, except the Queen part. Kind of like Raven's deal with her mother.
            They went on a secret date once and Daring loved it. He wants to go on another date even if it's secret. He wants to with her no matter the cost.
         Today Is the day. The day that Daring will finally ask Lizzie out, for real this time, no dare.
           "There she is. I can do this. But I need to take her in a secret area. But she's with her wonderland friends. I'll wait until she's alone." Daring thought.
            Finally Lizzie and her wonderland friends split up and he went behind and grabbed her from behind. He put his hand over her mouth and pulled her into the woods were know one can see them. He finally let go and Lizzie stopped struggling. She turned around and slapped him across the face before she realized who it was.
            "Daring, whatareyoudoing?" Lizzie asked fast. "Huh?" Daring asked. "What are you doing? Why did you try to kidnap me?" Lizzie asked confused. "I wasn't trying to kidnap you. I just need to talk to you on private." Daring said. "Oh, okay then speak or off with your head." Lizzie replied. "Okay, well. You see." Daring started scratching the back of his head.
         "I never felt this way. I'm just going to say it. I'm not going to around the bush." Daring thought.
             "I want to be with you." Daring confessed. Lizzie looked confused. "It can be a secret. I just want to date you. Whatever it takes, no matter what." Daring said with confidence. Lizzie laughed. "Isn't their like a hundred more girls before me?" Lizzie asked. "Well, I want to be with you." Daring said. Lizzie smiled. "Okay, secretly dating. I like that." Lizzie said. "I'll pick you up tomorrow at ten." Daring said. "Isn't that when curfew starts?" Lizzie asked. "Yeah, but your worth it." Daring said grabbing her hand and smiling. Lizzie smiled. "Rebal." Lizzie said with a laugh. "For you it's worth it." Daring said. They both smiled and broke apart. They went their separate ways. They are both really excited about tomorrow.

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