Chapter 43: Sneaking Out!

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Ashlynn and Hunter are sneaking out. They have plan to get their parents to let them be together. The plan is to sneak out and leave notes. They aren't actually running away though. They just want to make it seem that way and their parents will find away to bring them back they truely loved them and they'll be aloud to be together. Ashlynn's note will read:
Dear mom and dad.
I'm sorry but I'm leaving. I have to be with Hunter. It's all I want and no matter how much you say you love me and want what's best for me it's not true. If you did you would let me be with Hunter because he makes me happy. Now I'm running away with him and you can only blame yourselves. I'm sorry. But I'm in love with him. So, I love you and goodbye.
Love Ashlynn Ella.
Hunter's note will read:
Dear dad and mom.
I'm sorry but I'm leaving. I have to be with Ashlynn. It's all I want and no matter how much you say you love me and want what's best for me it's not true. If you did you would let me be with Ashlynn because she made me happy. Now I'm running away with her and you can only blame yourselves. I'm sorry. But I'm in love with her. So, I love you and goodbye.
Love Hunter Huntsman.
         They snuck out of their windows and a couple of hours later is when their parents found the letters. Hunter and Ashlynn were in the forest, like always. They went to an obvious place where their parents could find them.
             "Hunter. Could we take a break?" Ashlynn asked since they've been walking for a couple of hours straight. "Hold on. Let's make a camp at that lake just a little longer away.     It's far enough from both of our places we could make camp there and stay there until our parents find us. But you look tired. I'll carry you there." Hunter said picking Ashlynn up. They got over there and made camp. That was a beautiful sight. "I've been here so many time at this one spot. With and without you." Ashlynn explained. "Same." Hunter agreed. They rested and even fell asleep.
          They woke up and saw that both of their mirror phones have several missed calls and missed texts from their parents. They felt bad but it had to be done. They got some food and drinks out they both brought and had a little something. Then they went in the water to get a little clean. Ashlynn went in the tent first to get dressed and then Hunter did. They had fun and laughed and don't forget the kisses and hugs. It was getting late and Ashlynn started getting cold so Hunter gave her his jacket. They made a fire and cuddled by it trying to get warm. They went back in the tent and fell asleep cuddling.
The third day they were having fun too. They ate and Splashed each other with water. They had a good time. This is a nice life.
             "ASHLYNN!" Cinderella and Thomas said. "HUNTER!" Rod and Caroline said at the same time as Cinderella and Thomas said Ashlynn's name. When they found them Ashlynn and Hunter were kissing and making out. "Well this is awkward." Hunter stated.
             Ashlynn went home with her parents and Hunter went home with his parents. Ashlynn and Hunter were in their rooms waiting for whatever their parents are going to do.
             Cinderella and Thomas went into Ashlynn's room. "You really scared us this time." Cinderella said. I know and I'm sorry." Ashlynn exclaimed. "We just got off of the phone with Hunters parents and we decided to let you guys be together. But we're not happy about it." Thomas stared. "Thank you guys so much. Trust me this is for the best." Ashlynn exclaimed.
           Rod and Caroline went into Hunter's room. "What you did was stupid and childish." Rod explained. "I know and I am truly sorry." Hunter exclaimed. "We just got of the phone with Ashlynn's parents and we decided to let you guys be together. But we're not happy about it." Caroline stated. "Thank you. Trust me this is for the best." Hunter stated.
            Now Hunter and Ashlynn can be together again and they couldn't be happier. But how far will their parents go to make them happy?

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