Chapter 42: Wonderlandians in Wonderland!

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Maddie woke up and got ready. She jumped put of bed and ran out of her room without even making her bed. She was excited it was summer. "Hey pumpkin." Madden said while fixing breakfast in his mad way he always does. "Hey daddy." Maddie said. They did their little dance or handshake or whatever it is. Maddie sat down across from her father and they started eating their breakfast. "Do you have any plans today?" Maddie asked. "I'm hanging out with my friends like always." Maddie answered really excited. But then phone went off. "Ooo it's Raven." Maddie said even more excited.
Raven: Hey Mads.
Maddie: Hey Raven.
Raven: How are you?
Maddie: Good. Hbu?
Raven: I'm good. Do you have any plans today?
Maddie: Yes. I'm hanging with my wonderland friends. You should come. You could even bring a friend or two or even your boyfriend.
Raven: That sounds great but not today. Maybe another day. Sometime this summer.
Maddie: Okay. What are you doing today?
Raven: Nothing. Me and my dad got a letter from the Charmings. They invited us to go to their house for dinner. The White's were invited too. But the Charmings and the White's don't like us. So we know what this about. They just want to try to convince me to sign the storybook of legends or try to get my dad to convince me. He also wants to get Daring to.
Maddie: Poor Raven. :( I heard he's trying to get in touch with his daughter again.
Raven: Yeah. But he doesn't know how and Darling doesn't want to see her parents. She doesn't think they care about her. They just want her to be a princess but she doesn't want to.
Maddie: Yeah. She wants to wear armor and fight.
Raven: I know. But Darling gave Dexter and Daring her mirror number so she can stay in touch with them but only if they don't give it to her parents. They agreed now they're getting close again. Whenever they're texting her they tell their parents their texting someone else.
Maddie: Clever.
Raven: Yeah. I have to go. Ttyl.
Maddie. C ya. Ttyl.
Kitty got up and got ready. She was too tired to make her cat bed so she just left it and went to the kitchen to get food. "Hey Kitty. How are you?" Katie asked. "Good." Kitty answered while reaching in the cabinet for cereal. "How about you?" Kitty asked getting a bowl and spoon. "Good." Katie answered while eating cereal. "I'm going out with my friends today." Kitty said. "Don't you always." Katie said. They both laughed. "Don't for got to pull a couple of pranks." Katie reminded. "Okay, but you need to remember to be careful what pranks you pull." Kitty reminded. "I will." Katie agreed. There was a moment of silence. The silence was broken by Kitty's alarm on her watch. "I have to go." Kitty said getting up and leaving.
Lizzie woke up and one of her servants made her bed for her. She got dressed and went into the kitchen. "What are we having today cook?" Lizzie asked. "Pancakes." The cook replied. "Yum." Lizzie said. "Breakfast is served. I'll go tell your mother." The cook said as she left. Lizzie sat down and started getting her food and drinks ready in front of her. "Hello Elizabeth." Matilda said as she walked in. "Hello mother." Lizzie said as she began eating. Lizzie finished her cereal and then looked at the clock above her. "I have to go. I'm meeting my friends. I'll text you later to tell you when I'm coming home." Lizzie said as she was leaving. "Okay, have fun. Try not to stay out to long." Matilda yelled as Lizzie left.
Alistair woke up and made his bed. Then he got dressed and walked downstairs to find his mom cleaning the living room. "Why are you cleaning so early in the morning." Alistair asked. "I just wanted to get it over with." Alice responded. "Breakfast is on the kitchen table I'll be in there in a few minutes." Alice said. Alistair walked in the kitchen and started eating his eggs his mom made him. A few minutes later Alice went in their and began eating her eggs. "So, what do you have planned today?" Alice asked. "I'm hanging with the gang today." Alistair replied. "The gang?" Alice asked. "Yeah. That's what we decided to call us. I thought of it." Alistair replied. Alice laughed. "Its as if no one even knows our names at school because they just call us the wonderlandians." Alistair said. Alice laughed again. "They probably know your names and just call you guys the wonderlandians because your all from wonderland and you all always hang out together. It's just easier to say that then all of your names when someone's talking about all of you or looking for all of you." Alice explained. "That make since." Alistair agreed. Alistair looked at his mirror phone and then put it back in his pocket as he stood up. "I have to go. I'm meeting the gang in five minutes. I don't want to be late." Alistair explained. "See you later. I love you." Alice said. "I love you too." Alistair said as he left.
Bunny woke up in her tiny little bed. Bunny sleeps in rabbit form. She hopped to the kitchen where her dad is. They live in a rabbit hole. The rabbit hole is too small for a person so she stays in rabbit form until she leaves her house. "Hey daddy." Bunny said. "Hey sweetheart. Do you want some carrots?" White Rabbit asked. "Is there anything else. Yeah I love carrots but it gets old after awhile." Bunny admitted. "I went to the store early this morning." Rabbit said. Bunny went to the tiny refrigerator and grabbed some white milk and cereal. Bunny looked at her stopwatch. "I'm late. I'm late." Bunny said as she started hoping out. "I'll see you later." Bunny called behind her. When Bunny got out of the rabbit hole she turned into a person and ran as fast as she could to get to the gang.
Marchness woke up and stayed in her bed not wanting to get up. Her dad knocked on her door and opened it. "Hey honey. Are you awake?" Hare asked. "Yeah. I woke up five minutes ago." Marchness said still sleepy. "Then why are you still in bed? Are you not feeling good?" Hare asked. "I feel fine. I'm just lazy." Marchness said laughing. "Well didn't you say you had to hang out with your friends? Shouldn't you get up, ready, and eat so you can leave and have fun?" Hare asked laughing. "I guess your right." Marchness got up and Hare left. He got dressed and went downstairs. He didn't want to be late so he just had a smores pop tart. He didn't cook it in the toaster or anything. Then she headed out to the gang.
Cari woke up and was right awake. She had a big smile and got dressed and made her bed. She woke up really early and her dad was still asleep. She lives in the sky in a sturdy cloud house. Cari and her dad sleep on cloud beds. Cari walked downstairs and into the kitchen. She started making breakfast for her and her dad. Her dad floated in on his cloud with his hookah. Cari has the hookah. "Hey Cari." He spelled out with smoke. "Hey daddy." Cari said. She forgot hers in her room. "I made you breakfast." Cari said putting eggs on two plates. "Thank yoooou." CP said. Cari's dad is called CP. C for Cati and P for Pillar. Catipillar. Cari and CP started eating the eggs. "What time is it?" Cari asked putting her plate and fork in the sink along with her dads. "Almost 12:00." CP replied. "I have to go then." Cari said leaving. "I'll see you later." CP said as Cari left.
Dina woke up tired. She stayed in her bed for a couple minutes longer. She closed her eyes and fell back asleep. Dina's mom, Kila, walked in woke her up. Dina got up, still not wanting to, and got ready. She walked downstairs slowly. She had her black bag over her shoulder cooly. It has stuff in it for them to do at the tree. "Hey mom." Dina said about to leave and skip breakfast. "Wait. Where do you think your going?" Kila asked. "I told you yesterday I was going to hang with my friends today." Dina said. "Without breakfast? Your nuts. Sit down and eat." Kila said dishing out the food on the plate. Dina rolled her eyes and walked over there. She ate her food quickly. "You in a rush?" Kila asked. "Yeah. I don't want to be late." Dina replied. "Well just try not to choke on your food." Kila said laughing a little. Dina finally finished and left.
Tammy woke up and looked out her window. She made her bed and got dressed. Tony woke up and shuffled downstairs not even getting dressed or making his bed. Tammy was already in the kitchen when he went in there. "Hey Tam." Tony said obviously tired. "Tony. We're leaving soon. You need to put on clothes and make your bed." Tammy ordered. "That's funny, you don't look like my dad." Tony snickered. "Haha. Funny. But your dad would say the same thing and you know I'm right. I'm leaving when we're suppose to with or without you. Understand?" Tammy asked. "Ugh. Fine." Tony said as he left. He went in his room and changed and made his bed at least it was descent. He didn't really try. He walked back downstairs to find Tammy's mom in the kitchen getting breakfast ready. Tammy and Tony are cousins but live together. "Tony breakfast." Tammy's mom said as Tony's dad walked in with a newspaper in his hand. He poured himself some coffee and then sat down and started reading the paper while drinking his coffee. Tammy's mom slapped Tony's dad in the back of the head. "Ow." Tony's dad said. "Help with breakfast." Tammy's mom exclaimed. Tammy and Tony both started laughing. Tony and his dad helped finish up with breakfast and then the four of them all sat down at the dinner table and started eating. When they finished they got up and Tammy put her and Tony's dishes in the sink. "We have plans with the gang today. So we'll be back soon." Tammy said as she was about to leave. "Have a good day." Tammy's mom and Tony's dad said in unison. "You too." Tammy yelled behind her. Tony just waved as he walked out of the house.
They were all at the tree talking and having a good time. Then Bunny ran over there. "Sorry I'm late. I woke up late." Bunny explained sitting next to the rest of them. "It's cool." Alistair said putting his arm around Bunny. Bunny giggled and rested her head on his shoulder. "So we were just talking about a sleepover tonight. All of us." Lizzie explained. "Well it can't be my house. Unless you guys can turn into a bunny too." Bunny said with a laugh. "It can't be mine. We live in a cat place with cat beds and the ground is hard and cold." Kitty explained. "How about mine?" Maddie asked. "We would love too. But we think it might be just a little to crazy there." Dina said. "Aren't we all crazy?" Maddie asked. "Yeah but no ones that crazy. Besides all of the floating things. Your dad's tea shoppe is fine but that's it." Cari said. "I would offer my place but you don't want to see Tony at home." Tammy said with a laugh. Tony did a sarcastic laugh. "Well I live in a cloud house so it might not be a good idea if you guys stay there." Cari explained. "How about my place?" Dina asked. "That's a good idea." Tony said. "Oh wait my mom is too busy. She said no guest for like a week." Dina explained. "How about my place?" Alistair asked. "That'll be great." Bunny exclaimed. "I'll text my mom on my mirror phone.
Alistair: Could I have the gang over tonight for a sleepover?"
Alice: Sure.
Alistair: Thanks. Your the best.
Alice: Your welcome and I know.
               "My mom said yes." Alistair said. "Great." Maddie said. They all texted their parents for permission and all of their parents said yes. They all went home to pack and overnight bag and Alistair just waited at the tree for them. When they all were done they met Alistair at the tree and then walked to Alistair's house together.
              They had a lot of fun. They played games and wrestled. They did everything you do at a sleepover, and more. The next day they all went to their house at seven o clock. They were tired from all the mad fun they had that they all fell asleep instantly when they for home. It's just another day at Wonderland.

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