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A few days had gone by without a hitch and the city was bursting with activity, especially urban development work, light poles, sewers, electricity and also gas, town gas.

Chlorophylle wondered why, because there was magic, and I told her that magic was for the elite, but the common people were exploited by the guilds, and that our society had to be based on sharing, not profit. Everyone should have access to the base. No exceptions.

Everyone had returned to the capital and Romas wanted to see Chloro alone and have a private conversation with her.

Romas calmed down a little and then took his goddaughter's chin to look at her face and her mouth and her horns, which protruded from the back like the horns of an antelope.

They were alone in the garden adjoining the imperial chamber, the dragons being busy elsewhere

"He didn't miss you, wyvern... How are you feeling, sweetie? Are you in pain? Are you still yourself? Do you feel like blood? How do you see us?"

She hugged him, but the power was tenfold. It was like a powerful mercenary hug.

Romas felt the little girl's strength and muscular power.

"Sorry, godfather, I didn't mean to hurt you... my strength has increased tenfold... I'm not afraid anymore, and I feel stronger. I'm starting to feel confident now and I still have the same culinary tastes. 

Let's just say that I'm not a great aesthete, but I think I'm beautiful too.

I understand all languages, and I even talk to animals..."

Romas "And your teeth... do you have venom?"

She lowered her head...yes...let's say it incites respect...even arrogant demons and Imps are wary. But I've never bitten anyone yet... just a rabbit to try, before eating it. It doesn't kill, but paralyzes and kills in the end. I also have a stinger that cancels the effect. It can also be used to revive a fibrillating heart, to heal".

Then Romas asked him the burning question.

"I want to know... Did Mir rape you? Did he charm you or force you? Did you know you'd become a dragon?"

Chloro: "Mir. He's my man. He means everything to me. Without him, I'd be dead."

Romas: "He had one mission: to protect you! Not to become your ... lover ... and certainly not your husband. He's an animal! "

Chloro: "I'd be miserable without him. And he's far from being an animal... With him, I can say anything and ask anything. He's gentle with me and he's never hurt me... And I'd like to have children with him! And I know it's possible!"

Romas: "But there are handsome princes, noble knights and you could have a normal baby!"

Chloro: "Godfather, I don't want to quarrel with you, but where were you when the coup d'état took place? My knights all turned around...even childhood "friends"... There was only Mir...

He protected me many times and gave me back the pleasure of living. I wanted to die or let myself go, I was so unhappy... I love this dragoness body and hope to be able to transform completely and climb into the clouds with my new family. The wyverns are my real family. They won't betray me, not one of them has bowed to Xayda's pressure... not one. I admire them, and I think they're better than humans."

Romas nodded. "Still, humans can work wonders too. Don't you miss the way you used to be?"

"Not at all! I'm breathing! The world belongs to me and I live! I really live! And I can fly too and I'm free now. I won't know hunger and cold and fear and and.... You can't imagine when we make love... it's true love, in body and spirit. Everything is wonderful, and when Mir takes me between his paws, I feel as if he's giving me all the maternal love I've been deprived of... He's the only one who can heal my heart, my soul... And the magic is now natural, as if I were walking barefoot in soft grass and the dew was caressing my skin.

MIR, the sentient Wyvern.Where stories live. Discover now