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The reception seemed long and interminable and everyone avoided me like a white shark circling humans. I must have been worse than Jaws, who only had his teeth. I had my claws, my fire, my poison and my stinger, not to mention my priest, druid and mage spells. In fact, I had my original appearance, but I knew I was still demon lord...and that my evolution had been forced upon me. I knew that if I let go, I'd turn into some kind of kaiju and raze everything around me to the ground.

Then I began to pray

"Saint Peter, pray for us... may your warmth in the sun comfort my soul until the end of the day for ever and ever.... Amen..."

I was roused from my "absences" by the Minister of Defense holding a glass of champagne, a little tipsy and thus daring to speak to me.

"Emperor Dragon Mirmoelnir... I'm happy to be able to speak with an alien who shares our values and culture."

Me: "Greetings, Minister of War..." (usual distortion)

He didn't dare contradict me, and his feet were like springs ready to jump a step.

"So you returned a coup? Alone against an army?"

Me: "I was defeated by a hero, but he spared me because I was his only ticket back to earth. I'm just a big talking winged lizard.

Minister "No.. you're great. You've rebuilt an empire! Crushed the rebellion! Saved your parents and you resisted Umbrella and sent them to their destruction! You're the hero!!!"

I smiled because a dragon loves compliments and I was no exception to the rule.

"Minister, I'm touched by your compliments, but don't let yourself be fooled by sweet illusions. Humans tend to anthropomorphize their animal companions and attribute human feelings and values to them.

I'm a dragon. I was human in another life and still am, but I'm a whole dragon with instincts and values that are different from humans."

Minister: "I'm interested in you..."

"You humans live in a community and you follow order, rules and project yourselves into the future. This leads to conquests, exploration of the unknown and scientific research.

For me, it's irritating, like a soup of tears... As a dragon, I'm a sentient animal, but an animal. Resisting my instincts burns, hurts and nauseates me because, at the moment and since the wars, I'm exhausted, frustrated and my anger is building up. That's my nature and it's nothing against you. What I want is to look after my tribe, my hunting territory and bask in the sun. And to hear the little ones playing around me during my nap."

Then the man reflected and asked me the question.

"We saw a huge eye like the moon threatening us..and it's said to be Enka... an infernal deity"

Me: "Yes... She's my grandmother, mother of all dragons and their protector.

As long as you don't harm us, she'll never interfere. She's been here since the dawn of time, and the great extinctions... are perhaps her work. "

"What do you know about her?"

"Her libido is infinite!"

The minister was shocked.

"Why, do you think we silk past and not Umbrella?"

The minister didn't seem to understand.

I let out a little dog whimper, a little hiss of fear and suffering, and tears fell from my eyes.

I got very close to the minister, who was terrified to see my dinosaur canines near him.

Me "You've no idea what she's done to me and made me do! She sucked me dry with her eight heads! then she put her thing in... it still hurts just thinking about it and I can't imagine what she put inside me".

MIR, the sentient Wyvern.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora