The French dragonne

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Neuville was on high alert and very worried about monsters coming and going like that.

What's more, he hadn't bought the fact that they were walking around with impunity, carrying atomic bombs in their saddlebags.

And the portal.

His team appealed to the IA, who had no answer.

He then alerted the Secretary General of the United Nations and French President Truk, a president of Algerian origin and attached to traditional values.

In his office, overlooking the huge tactical room with screens showing the different zones in Toulon and the earthquake zones.

He sat down, drank a cognac and lit a Havana.

and, after a sip and a few chuckles, he asked his Ai to put him in touch with President Truk.

After a few long minutes, a hologram appeared on the seat in front of him.

"ICI Truk!" he said, "I assume you're calling to warn me that there's a white dragon..."

Neuville: "My President???? You know?"

Truk: "The beautiful creature Sacha is sitting opposite me. She's a very beautiful alien and has retained all her knowledge and human skills."

Neuville: "Save yourself, President. they have powers and weapons.. they are very dangerous. Believe me!"

And Sacha's hologram appeared opposite Truk's hologram.

The dragoness gestured a greeting to the general, also a little to taunt him.

He got up and contacted the garrison and the President's bodyguard to warn them of imminent danger and that the President would no longer be free to act and think as he pleased...

But there was a void, an abnormal calm, as if everyone had fallen under a spell or a psychic or telepathic attack, but earthlings were helpless in the face of ancestral magic, amplified by draconic power and blessed by the god Destroyer.

Sacha alone had charmed the entire garrison. Her magical power was ten times greater than Alpha's, a bit like Superman under our sun. That's what it was all about, but... it was something else... The atoms of dragons and dragonified humans had unknowingly changed during the passage. They were linked to the goddess and each electron rotated with an amplified, almost indestructible bond.

Sacha could scrape through granite with his talons like a hot knife through butter, and even a bullet or uranium shell would crush like an egg on his scales.

The dragons, without knowing it, were becoming the lords of this world.

Resigned, Neuville listened to the conversation with the president.

Truk: "So, if I understand correctly, you escaped from Umbrella, but I don't understand why you gave them the portal..."

Sacha: "My president is a long story, but Alpha is a very different world from earth... I was very lucky in my misfortune. The lords have used Atlantean powers to wrest humans from their families in exchange for heinous sacrifices of the innocent.

All through competition and armed escalation between belligerent, middle-aged nations. Many heroes like me perished, and it was thanks to our sophisticated weapons that we were able to survive by killing our executioners.

Then Mir arrived and protected the only kind soul, a second-rate princess, Chlorophylle, now Empress. Poor Wyverne was afflicted with a curse that attracted the monsters and armies that were to decimate us, and he put the brakes on, reunited the empire and gave Alpha a semblance of peace. But... he's also Professor Brilliant, or what's left of him. "

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