Time is of the essence

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Hello dear readers.  Thank you for reading to this point.  Some have easy critics.  Nevertheless, I do as I can.   I am not an never be a pro author.  I speak french and I translate with Deepl free version.  There are some mistakes here and there but I try to bring you a  nice story about dragons and wyverns.  There are very few stories about wyverns.

So, to answer some critics (this comment is not automatic translated!):

-- Mir is a MALE wyvern. 

-- This is his second live as a sentient animal and not a human soul.  Of course, he has kept some parts of morals and humanity but he will follow his instincts with some limits as a sentient being.  He will not be a cannibal or a man eating monster.  He loves females wyverns dragons an a little the human women.

-- In the original book, Wyvern is a "female" word but the species has male and female individuals.  Like the word "dragon "is male in French.  The translator make some mistakes I cannot detect as my level in english will never reach an author and what is evident for you may not be for me.  So instead of critics, please tell where there is some "cuts" in the storyline and where "confustion" happens.

This way, i can improve and be motivated to future stories.

I write as the "movie" happens in my meditative state and please : Enjoy!  thank you.

The ARK was disengaged from its launchers and was approaching the orbital hook.

The manoeuvre was performed by AI, but manual control was still possible.

Tanner was in his seat, as was the rest of the crew, watching their world slip away. It was the last time they would see planet Earth in their lifetime.

Many wept or confessed to loved ones who had stayed behind. Others promised to meet again using a cryogenic unit. One company specialised in cryonics. This was strictly forbidden except in this very specific case.

The ARK climbed at an incredible speed towards the orbital zone and from there we could see a glass belt filled with fields and drills in orbit but with limited gravity, lower down.

This artificial belt was based on 'The Line', Saudi Arabia's mega-project that has made it possible to live without too much heat due to global warming.

The "Belt" also provided permanent shade for the Equator, thus limiting the "belt of fire" and halting the advance of the desert, which is burning everything.

As a result, the flora and fauna have been able to go back in time and redevelop.

The genetic arks were thus able to reintroduce species that had disappeared and halt the mega-extinction that had begun.

But for Tanner, these problems were a thing of the past.

He checked everything before the big jump

The whole crew would be going into cryonics, a science that was still new and had never been tried for more than 20 years.

That's why there would be rotations. 4 Cryos were planned, with 2 less duty and medical examinations.

The trip would have been pointless if old people were sent to die in space or on arrival.

With young people, in the event of a major crisis, they would still be strong at 55 or 60 and still able to reproduce. But that was not the solution. They would have starved to death, died of boredom or killed each other. Putting 1,000 people in an isolated cylinder was not something that was healthy for the mind, even with the best facilities and leisure activities on site.

MIR, the sentient Wyvern.Where stories live. Discover now