Winter wyvern

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I was exhausted and Mum carried me to our nest and ... she nursed me.

I was and always would be her baby.

Kra Kri and Kroa were against me and those flesh and skin warmed me and gave me a sense of security and warmth I never thought I would get.

I cried with happiness and hugged my siblings to me. Like a treasure you want to possess.

The time of innocence, yes, that was it

Then I woke up and the first thing I said was:

"MOMAN... I love you!"

Meanwhile, the merchant guild wanted to test the new escort but Romas objected.

He was on the council and tempered Jack's initiatives

The Order of Dragonhunters approves the initiative for Krator and Mir but they still need to be trained. One does not become a mercenary. Any savage or hunter could then proclaim themselves and it would be a mess. There are rules to respect, laws and also the recognition of authority, blazons and knowing where and when to intervene.

Confusion can happen and with wyverns, an accident, quickly becomes carnage.

We saw the wounds of the bandits that Krator slaughtered.

They are wyverns and by my estimation they are three classes stronger than their wild counterparts. Needless to say, if we have to fight this, there will be losses in our ranks. Many and I suspect that this tribe has managed to awaken some sort of powerful ancestral knowledge, like the ultra dragons that are now extinct.

Accountant Valet: "When then? to open the northern route? The roads to the west and south are becoming more and more perilous, and with the arrival of spring, the monsters will stop hibernating and, with hunger in their bellies, they will attack everything that is eaten.

Romas: "Two weeks, I think, for the base.

While the members were talking he read a letter from the second princess, Chlorophyll.

Everyone called her Second Princess, because her name had been taken away from her in order to illustrate and maintain the image of royalty. This had also been the case for the first princess, Princess Vidia.

Their parents, King Felicius the Dry, well, their father had remarried after the death of his wife, Ariel, Chlorophylle's mother.

He read the instructions given to the "Son" and the immediate needs of the empire.

"Dear Friend, Sire Romas of Autrelande, I am writing to you because I feel that something is not right here in Opal City. I feel isolated and my little sister, I think she gets reprimanded when she has the slightest close or familiar attitude with me.

I am afraid and the nobles only see her and I feel like an embarrassment. I don't trust you... you know what.

But to get back to this post, we need winged mounts, wyverns, imperial eagles, griffins, pegasus...Knowing that it takes time for the little ones to get used to their lord and future dragon knight.

The republic already has its own order and the republic witch has probably found more wyverns for her knights. Every egg, wyvern and griffin that can be captured has priority.

It goes without saying that the necessary means will be provided by the empire directly.

Then he investigated his "contact" in Suderive who had disappeared.

He pretended to be a traveller who wanted to go to Autrerive to give medicinal herbs to his sick old mother.

It was agreed that in one day, Jack would go back from Suderive to Autrerive and then to Fortd'hiver.

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